Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas 2011

What a great Christmas! We are so lucky to have such a strong family and friend support! Jude is exhausted from the all the parties, present opening, dancing, and food! Thank you everyone for being apart of it! Let the good times roll...

Tall and thin, short and fat.
Still so incredibly pudgy! It's not a party until your clothes come off.

He may want this for Christmas next year.

Joey DO NOT touch my toy...
A perfect fit!
Got it! A picture with all the kids...ha.
Little boys checking out the girls trailer...
Where's Brett?
Grandma Rita!
Boys and their cars.
No comment :)
The most beautiful Claire!
Look at all those gift!

Best buds.
Jude's new favorite game!
He looks so good in blue.

Ho, Ho, Ho.
John surrounded by gifts.
I would say one of his favorite toys.
With Gma!
He was very serious on Christmas Day. Probably overwhelmed by all the toys.
Testing out our new camera. And my first model was asleep.

And here we are, just getting the kids ready for church :)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Xmas!

I know everyone is real busy with the holidays and all, and so are we here. We've been working our butts off on something special for you guys though! Check us out!

Look for Uma's break-dancing. She's truly unbelievable.


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Walker Jude

Took a trip to visit Great Grandma Rita today. Jude was highly busy forcefully laughing to get a reaction from everyone in the dining hall. He was also busy destroying spoons and walkers....I think he needs one for Christmas!

Grandma was super tired from watching Jude run everywhere, I was super tired from chasing Jude, and Jude, well he was good to do a few more laps...

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

This is what playdates are like....

They take turns pushing eachother for "rides"

Always have something in hand to run eachother over with!

A quick game of chase....

Friendly car game....

We love Eli!

Mama Mia

Here he goes again... dancing to Mama Mia just like Daddy.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Jude sat on the potty for the first time today ALL BY HIMSELF! WE are beyond proud of him!

Sunday, December 11, 2011


I am THISSSS much closer to being done with school! Another two bite the dust. I finished up my internship in the elementary! I will really miss the people, late start, counselors, and kiddos! I truly felt at home there. It was great! But my calling for next semester is the high school! I finished up the middle school but am there year round so I didn't have to say any goodbyes. Which is perfect because if you haven't heard, I love that crazy age. That is where I want to be, need to be. Someday. Took my last test of grad school (for ever) ((for now)) last Wed. Did I rock it? Absolutely .... NOT. I checked out a bit ago. I think it's time I accept imperfection and receive a B+. I mean what is the difference between a 3.99 and a 4.0 anyways? I am way past that now. So that is over. Next semester will fly! Work Monday and Tuesday. One class, once a week. Boom May will be here and I'll be sprinting across that stage. Sigh. Over.

Jude is Jude. Crazy, everywhere. A burst of energy. His new favorite activities are "Uh-oh" down the stairs with the new fancy baby gate, "uh-oh" in the trashcan, finding buttons, and getting his groove thing on! He dances to any and all music! Pretty entertaining. You may think my Christmas tree may be half lit or ornaments half up...nah. I put the "breakable" ones up and he can look at the rest. Of course, I did receive the mother of the year award for using a power strip to turn the lights on. So each morning, he wakes up and goes to turn the tree on, then proceeds to walk to all the other light sources. The day can not be started until the electricity is in full blast! I find great joy in watching all this from the air vent that is heating up the home. Hehe.

We also drove through Wentzville night lights the other night. Well, Jude was more interested in controlling the heat options than enjoying the lights. First time in the front seat was great for him :)

Some of my acquaintances are "Potty-training" their 13 month olds. NO COMMENT.

Okay no here's my comment :) While your baby is learning how to use the potty mine is doing this: 100% obsessed with the vacuum cleaner. Loves it so much that in order to actually vacuum, I have to carry him around on one hip while pushing the thing. He also helps out with unloading the dishes....although last time I checked, forks go in the basement and spoons in the tub. And if you say "time for bath" Jude will run around, naked, saying "bath" while carrying the shampoo into various rooms. Jude also helps to pick up by first throwing food on the floor, then proceeding to eat those things off the floor. Thus eliminating a mop job for me. He sometimes he makes dinner for us! He's so advanced :)

Well enough about us. Here's some pictures...

After a home hair cut...

Yep, he got stuck under Uma one day...
Watching the big boys play hockey.

He cooks!
Peek a boo with daddy.

And that's all folks!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

My little stud muffin.

Thanksgiving day. The Hawk in full force.
Jam session with the Juke box.
Uncle Brett will be teaching drums.
Such a stud if I do say.
I love this picture! Don't even need real presents!

Bowling with daddy.

Just some more recent pics of my stud muffin.