Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Almost Feb!

I use the "!" in thoughts that after Feb, it's Spring! I know, I know, I'm sure there will be a massive snow storm soon but as of now, the weather as been surprisingly nice!

Started working back in the Middle school and High school this Jan-May. It's everything I thought it would be. But May can not come soon enough! I'm still loving the Middle school so much but the High isn't too bad. Pretty sure I did the most work in the Elementary. With interning means class. Ugh. Mondays are awful days. Class just drags. It's endless. I mean how many hours, weeks can we really talk about how we "grew"....I guess 15 more.

Had our first trip to the ER last night. Nah, don't worry Jude's fine. He got his fingers caught in the treadmill on the back. As of right now, a week out it looks like he fell forward, caught himself and scraped his fingers. Most likely didn't need to go there and doc would have been appropriate but it's all done now. I think he has a pedi appointment in Feb sometime. I'll be curious to see his height and weight. I think he's getting shorter :)

Other than that, we are finishing our basement and it's amazing to me how Jude sleeps right through the noise. I don't get it actually. They can saw, drill, hammer, move in wood, work right under his room, BUT if you try to sneak a peak of napping and open the door, he'll jump up real quick. Crazy kid. Guess it was that 5:45 am get up that made him so tired (and me)....

Art time!

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