Friday, December 28, 2012

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!  Christmas has passed and the new year is coming soon!  Resolution?  Not sure, let me get back to you with that :P We had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends.  We also caught another virus though and the boogers are still with us :)  It's amazing how boogers spread from the nose of a 2 year to eyebrows and hair.  YUCK.  Jude and Juliet, and John and I, were all spoiled though!  We enjoyed cookies, great food, presents, and having John off the entire week!  He even got up for me because Ms. Juliet has changed her sleeping once again! 

                                                               New pretty wrap!
                                                                      Yoga Juliet


                                                                 Hey Girlfriend, call me.

                                                              3 months on left, 4 on right.

                                                         He got stuck under the couch, yep.

                                                               Approved by Juliet.
                                                           The female version of Jude.

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