Saturday, March 9, 2013

6 Months!

Juliet's 6 months old.  I truly can't believe how fast this has flown by!  ... :(  Last I checked, Juliet's around 15lbs!, full cheeks like Jude, and umm very feisty still.  I still can not shower without her screaming at me.  I've noticed she thrives off her schedule, sleeps 6:30-6:30 straight now (!!!!), talks with different sounds, LOVES Jude, and is pure joy with me.  With mean, I'm not sure they'd say the same :)  She's slow to warm currently. 

 She loves it! 
 Happy Birthday Deb!!
 Boys just shopping like old times!

 Her Easter Bonnet :p
Johns said "I think she's way cuter than Jude was"....HAHA. 

As for my Jude, he talks up a storm and has his own ideas that are hilarious.  I got him from his nap today and he said, "daddy went to store to get Jude cheese."  WOW.  I can't believe he remembered that! Pretty sure I told him that around 7 am.  But "Yes, Jude...cheese is here now" HA.  He still LOVES trains with a passion but I can always win his heart with a "new car."  He also loves puzzles.  I'm so thankful he's so great with Juliet.  Even if sometimes she has to be Monster Juliet, he's great about her always being in the action and occasionally grabbing his toys.  Such a great big brother.  He works hard to make her laugh with various animal sounds too. 

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