Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Take me out to the BALLGAME!

Jude went to his first Cardinals game this last weekend. HOT! But very fun! He even lasted the entire game! The lady who assists with seats was obsessed with him! She kept walking by, holding him, high 5'ving, and calling him her boyfriend. I mean you know Jude, he kept smiling, laughing, and loving her! He's such a flirt with everyone!

Dad explaining the game to son.

Why does Jude look like a 3 year old next to Eli!?

The bad guys already scored one, stop smiling mom!
We tried.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Crawling! 9/28

Finally caught it on video. He only does it on special occasions. He's so cute crawling though! So yes, we do both now :) Walk and crawl! I guess he's been doing this since he's been about 9 1/2 months. He's just really starting to do it more! I think he realizes I'm not going to hold his hand and walk everywhere ALL day :)

9 months 3 weeks

(For me really.) But now we can crawl (very very slowly), pull up, go from belly to sitting, and walk. I'm so proud of John! J/k! Not in that order! Ha, more like reverse. He's sooo funny crawling! He's so slow and cautious! Not like his walking! I feel like in the last week he has learned so much! I'll post a video of him crawling soon!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Friday, August 26, 2011

Aug 26 -first day of the end.

John likes to encourage me with sayings throughout this hard time. Stuff like "It's the start of the end!" Ha whatever that means :) I guess he's right though. I will never go back to school in August again! This is literally the start of the end. Okay, he's right :) Once I'm done with this intern, I'm completely done. Had my first day today! It was hard but good. We all survived just fine! Jude could care less that I was gone! That's a good thing...I suppose :0

He loves this walker my neighbor let us borrow. We play "hide n seek" with it. He's so fast in it. Oh also, today he walked from the glider footrest to the glider, crib, laundry basket, dresser, then followed Uma into the family room. By himself. Okay I caught a potential crash twice but not bad. Then he proceeded to crawl all over. I guess we finally figured out crawling...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


John 10 months
Jude 9.5 months
Kate 9 months

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Bye bye

Awe. I left Jude (and John) today for a few hours. I've been working with Jude, as always, and he finally waved bye-bye for the first time! It was sooooo sweet. Just going to make this internship even harder.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Fun times here!

Well, my back hurts. He just needs to grow about another inch then it'll be easy to hold his hands and walk everywhere. Because let's face, that's what we do ALL day long!

Apparently we don't need toys. Just walls :)

Second best to walking around with us.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


One of my favorites.


I know, I know. It's been far too long :( No camera, means little updates. Jude is our lives so not much else going on's what I got.

Had our 9 month doctor appt when Jude was 9 months 1 week. Head circumference is in the 60%, weight is in the 55% (20 1/2 lbs), and his height is in the 40% (28 inches). In other words, perfect. He asked if Jude can stand for 10 seconds. I said "Yes, he can walk like 10 steps." He looked up and said "Oh. . .good!" So all is normal.

But Jude has done SOO much in the last few days. He walks along the furniture, claps, shakes his head back and forth if we do, gives high fives, and purposely says "hiiii." Right, call me crazy I know. I told you about a month ago I go "Jude say hi" and then he said "hi." Well John and I wrote that off. Right that's not his first word! Finally he did it with witnesses the other day! I was reading this book and at the end is a mirror. Well the kid loves to talk to himself and the first thing he usually says is "hi" so I read the book and just as I thought, Jude goes "hiiiii" at the end! Debbie and John saw it and agreed that's his first word! Hiii. He says it just like me! Ha. Hiiiiiiii. With the funny pitch and all. Oh he will also be walking along the couch, see me then proceed to walk to me. No warning, just takes off. I may or may not catch him everytime :) Here are some pictures from my phone to hold you over until I get my camera.

Waiting on dad to get home.
It's bathtime!
Ha, good morning Jude!

Has just a little cold so needs a bit of extra loving from mom.
How he prefers to eat. Holding hands.

I start my crazy life for the next 9 months next week, so we're not talking about that yet though :) Spending every last second together this week. (I mean work...)


Monday, August 8, 2011

Gracefully falling...

I don't know what happened? Overnight, Jude decided he does not want to be a baby :( I like to call this gracefully falling but we all know where this is going...straight to running!!! Crawling? Psh, that's for babies. I betcha my "Cheeks" really slims down here shortly.