Friday, October 14, 2011

11 month activity

It's been awhile. Things are going. He's everywhere in everything possible! He's so fast. Nearly running really. His favorite places are under the end table, in the toilet, under the kitchen chairs, you know, all the deadliest places. A lady at the park asked if he is "fearless"...after pondering and then spotting him climbing up the stairs on the playground, I said "yes." He's fun though! So funny. Walks around throwing things saying "uh." Right, he fails to say the "Oh." He also just started saying "mom mom mom mom." Like "dada" I'm not convinced he is purposely saying these, but it's cute.

School and work are going. Had my fall break this week which is really spoiling. I have to go back :( Ugh. I think I'm half way (or more) done with this semester though! I can't wait for November. We'll have Thanksgiving break then just a little bit until I'm done for the semester. Then Spring and BOOM! Never going back again. Can not wait for MAY. Really, I can't wait. I look on the Umsl page at least once a day to see when graduation is. Yes, I will be walking proudly in that awful gown. I never look good in hats. But hey, I'm doing it. I even hope to get some special tassel, rope things too. Clearly I don't know what they are, but I figure a 3.9 gpa should get me something pretty to whip at my neighbor during it. :)

Well here's what we've been up to.

My creepy family.

Loves the slide!
He looks like a giant.
Jude thinks Daddy is odd!
My little man!

Well, I guess getting them to both look, stay still, and smile is over.



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