Sunday, October 16, 2011

Pumpkin Patch!

Believe it or not, this will be Jude's FIRST Halloween! Woohoo. What does that mean? Nothing really because he's too "big" kid looking to put a "my first Halloween" onesie on. I'm trying to not buy onesies anyways. We may go around to the neighbors and hand out candy though!

We did go to the Pumpkin Patch with our good buddies the Maxedons. What a great patch! Check it out!Oh man, just a bit more than I thought. I guess that's what happens when you play around with your new camera :) At least I didn't type a lot :)

LOVES riding toys.
Long hair!
I love his concentrated, determined face.
The one place I let him roam around free outside! The park!
Our little men.
Cold, wind, and swing = bad combination!
Styling with his new fall clothes!

Mommy love.

Uh, pretty sure, this guy has a thing for Rachel...
Tired and ready for nap, both of them :)

Everytime we see Eli, I feel like Jude puts something by his head. :) A hat Eli?

Tractor ride!

OH MY! Look what he found!!!!!!
I bet he literally peed in his pants seeing these! hehe

He thinks he's "sooo big" at the patch!
He LOVED this.
No fear.
Talk to the hand Eli, no time for chatter, smile!
What am I suppose to do with these!
Hey buddy, I didn't know you were coming!

Now you should be good until Halloween! Cheers!

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