Saturday, November 26, 2011

My little stud muffin.

Thanksgiving day. The Hawk in full force.
Jam session with the Juke box.
Uncle Brett will be teaching drums.
Such a stud if I do say.
I love this picture! Don't even need real presents!

Bowling with daddy.

Just some more recent pics of my stud muffin.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Okay this is a day before post, but I could not think of anything creative for the title.

I have TWO weeks left until I am done with this semester! Wahoo! It'll be so sad to say goodbye to all my elementary kiddos, teachers, counselors, and staff, but I know I'll be back there visiting someday! I will be in the high school (run now) and middle school in the Spring. I love the middle school. I know, I'm crazy right?! But oh man, had no idea how much I would enjoy working with that age! They are so funny! Then May 12, 2 pm, I will walk. Not that I'm ready to be done or anything. :)

Anyways, here a few recent pics!

New toy!
New toy!

New hiding spot!
Trying to convince Uma to check out the hiding spot!
Uma would rather rest....on a pile of dirt.
Look what I can do! New Trick!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

12 months old!

Pediatrician walked in singing "happy birthday" to Jude, how cute. Weighs just about 23 pounds which is in the 50th percentile, is 29 inches short which is in the 25th percentile and has a big head. So he's perfect. :) The pediatrician is amazed by how brilliant Jude is. I'm not. I expect this. I mean come, John's brain, my wit, the kid should be a star right?!

So Jude's words consist of:
Ma, dad, uma, ball, on, ba-bye, and some others I can't think of.

Oh also, Jude just learned how to climb on the fireplace. Cool huh? Ugh.

Jude is nearly skipping. Getting close to running. :)

3 shots today :( Lots of rest in order.

Other than that, he also follows simple commands! "Go get a book, etc"...if** he's in the right mood ;)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Jude!

I can't believe an entire year has gone by! Really, so much has happened! He's getting to be such a little boy now! He's starting to say so many words (okay maybe only John and I can understand) and following simple commands! I think we go to the doctor this week for his stats! Can't wait to see how he's grown. Well let's good to the good stuff! The pictures! He had the best time! It was like Christmas at our home!

These two are going to be trouble!
Hated the cake/icing on his fingers...

Good morning birthday boy!

Oh out toes! (and Uma).

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

First Hair Cut and Halloween!

I gave in, I was waiting for the big 1 year but it was just driving me nuts. NO more Joe Dirt mullet in the back! He did a great job!

Loved Amber.


We also participated in Jude's first Halloween. This included us running to the store about 30 minutes before 5 to get candy. Because that's how I roll now. We grabbed 3 bags. NOT ENOUGH FOR THIS NEIGHBORHOOD. By the time you take out the bag Jude and I ate, that only left 2 :/ Had to close shop by 7. Whoops.

No wonder we didn't have enough!
Neighborhood police officers taking candy from a baby.
I see you!
What like this Mom? Did you get your picture??