Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Okay this is a day before post, but I could not think of anything creative for the title.

I have TWO weeks left until I am done with this semester! Wahoo! It'll be so sad to say goodbye to all my elementary kiddos, teachers, counselors, and staff, but I know I'll be back there visiting someday! I will be in the high school (run now) and middle school in the Spring. I love the middle school. I know, I'm crazy right?! But oh man, had no idea how much I would enjoy working with that age! They are so funny! Then May 12, 2 pm, I will walk. Not that I'm ready to be done or anything. :)

Anyways, here a few recent pics!

New toy!
New toy!

New hiding spot!
Trying to convince Uma to check out the hiding spot!
Uma would rather rest....on a pile of dirt.
Look what I can do! New Trick!

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