Wednesday, November 9, 2011

12 months old!

Pediatrician walked in singing "happy birthday" to Jude, how cute. Weighs just about 23 pounds which is in the 50th percentile, is 29 inches short which is in the 25th percentile and has a big head. So he's perfect. :) The pediatrician is amazed by how brilliant Jude is. I'm not. I expect this. I mean come, John's brain, my wit, the kid should be a star right?!

So Jude's words consist of:
Ma, dad, uma, ball, on, ba-bye, and some others I can't think of.

Oh also, Jude just learned how to climb on the fireplace. Cool huh? Ugh.

Jude is nearly skipping. Getting close to running. :)

3 shots today :( Lots of rest in order.

Other than that, he also follows simple commands! "Go get a book, etc"...if** he's in the right mood ;)

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