Wednesday, September 26, 2012

3 weeks.

Yikes, where has the time gone?!  I'll tell you, briefly, we've been keeping busy.  I can't believe our baby girl is 3 weeks old.  I'm so sad.  I really don't want her to grow up.  I love the sweet, needy baby mode we have right now.  She's a cuddler.  Loves being held.  A friend of mine told me that Juliet's wants right now, are her needs.  So when I jump up at the lightest whimper to hold her, I don't feel like I'm spoiling her anymore.  After all, she is just a different baby than Jude.  She's her own independent person.  She's a girl.  And like I have said before, "Girls are needy."  I am.  Juliet is.  I think this is the way it'll be.  And, we'll work it.  So to summarize, life with two kids is HARD.  I'll admit it.  Wouldn't change any part of it, but man, life with two is a totally ballgame.  I am now the "I'll be there at 10" but show up at 10:15 mom....  Jude has yet to be late to school though!  I'll let you in on my secret...I dress Juliet in clean clothes (not pj's) for bed.  She's not much of a puker and they are just as soft as pj's so why not!  My sister actually told me that secret years ago, so thanks Stacie!  Therefore, one of us is already dressed!  Jude's fairly easy in the morning.  The real challenge is trying to take that 3-4 minute shower :) 

Jude is so funny.  I carry/wear Juliet most of the day.  Being a needier baby, it's easier for me to just wrap her up and go about Jude's needs.  I am also hands free which is great!  Well the other day, Jude must have missed me putting her in the bouncy seat because when I picked him up, yes I can hold both at the same time, he first looked down my shirt (!!), then goes, "Gone (hands in the air), gone...Oh there she is" (pointing to her in the seat).  I had no idea he actually realized she is with us all day.  He must really not care that she's with us then.  He's becoming more of a two year, very testy, but really I would say is minimally affected by her. It was so funny!

                                    Just brushing those teeth with two toothbrushes, why not?
                                                          Happy DUE DATE Juliet!
                                                          Juliet meeting the Great Grandmas!
                                           Church Picnic was the best time of his far :)
                                                                   Such a boy. 
                                                         LOVED the cars, obviously :)
                                                              EWW Boys have cooties.
                                                             LOVED the Superslide!
                                                                     Bubble wand!
                                                          Grasshopper spotting, over there!

                                                                             Big Rig fun!
                                     Jude grabs my phone to find this picture....guess we're goofy.
                                                                   Loves fingers

                                                                     Cutting with dad

                                                                   1-2 weeks old
                                                              It's a daily activity here

So this is totally picture overload, I know, but it's been so long and I just couldn't limit the pictures.  Actually I have limited them but still....cute baby picture overload!

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