Sunday, October 21, 2012



Jude and Juliet at 7 weeks :)

Go ahead and cry...I did...

7 weeks, she's getting so big!

                                           Had no idea he actually listens to me when I sing....

Well everyone's sick here.  Jude got a stomach bug last Tuesday and now poor Juliet.  It's pretty much the worst thing a mom can see.  I so badly want to go through what they are for them.  Jude's finally coming around just a bit clingy and poor Juliet.  She's very sleepy, pukey, and yeah, I just want to hold her all day.  I have been.  I don't think she'd notice if I put her down but it's the one thing I can do to help myself feel better.  Yes, help myself :( But I did put her down.  To do this...well I'm multitasking actually.  Anyways, hoping to be in full force in a few days!  Cheers.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


We've been busy.  No time to update, minus a ton of pictures, fireworks going off in the bouncy seat....

                                    Sleepy Sleepy

 He's a lucky guy with having buddies Rachel and Eli!

                    Does she have to grow up?
                        Trying something new this go around.

Juliet's FIRST dress!

                                                        Leave me alone.
                                             Hey Jude, I love you!

                                           Picture day at school!

                                          He wants this for his birthday.
                Threw off all the toys to read on the fireplace...

                                                      Mall walking!

                                               Smiles for everyone now!

                                          Sure are getting some cheeks!

                                              Sleepy, but Halloween bow!

Friday, October 5, 2012

The Many Faces of the Meyers (and friends/family)

One Month

One month has passed since Juliet's birth.  She weighs 8 pounds and is 20 1/2 inch long!  Both within 25th% so she's proportional :)  She's healthy, smiling, and truly showing her personality....Which is girl like.  Don't know how many times I say this, but she's a girl, girls are needy!  As is Juliet.  I knew Jude was an easy baby but I did not realize he was the EASIEST baby EVER.  Easy toddler also.  He adjusted easier to having another family member than I did!  I find myself stressed that I can't sit on the floor and watch/play cars with him for hours (or even a few minutes) because peanut (yes, I think she has a nickname) is very needy.  She doesn't just chill in my arms while we play; she prefers to burp, eat, bounce this way, that way, etc.  She's also a fighter.  She does not welcome sleep while resting on the boppy like Jude did.  I think she gets over-stimulated and worked up so that is hard for her to fall asleep.  But if anything, I know all this now and what to do to help her out.  LET A SLEEPING BABY SLEEP!  Especially her.  She's a light sleeper too so that doesn't help her situation.  But right now, her and Jude have coordinated "good naps" where I, sometimes (should really take advantage and do it more) nap too.  If not, I find myself here doing the blog, cleaning, staring at her, or if she's up, trying to get her happy.  Well I'm are the kids!

                                                               Caught a smile!

                                                 Does this when Juliet screams in car :)


                                                        Pumpkin Patch take one!

                                                                    LOVES bunny

                                                               Such a great cousin!

                                                                    Sibling love.

