Thursday, January 13, 2011

10 weeks

Sooo big. Literally, his cheekers are OUT OF CONTROL! Haha. I think he sleeps so long at night because he is storing milk in there for a secret 3 a.m. feeding. No? Well I forgot to post a few pictures from last week so let's do those first! Alright well, after reviewing, they are not all from last just enjoy!

Good morning mom! I missed you sooo much! :)

Ahh, you caught me off guard mom!

My latest buy $3.99 at Carters.

You know, after comparing, I actually think Jude looks more like me in these pictures. We both sorta have that round, cheekers,

Shopping Jude!

Hanging out with my cousins!

10 Weeks. Double digits! I feel like just 10 weeks ago I was excited about single double! Awe, Jude is growing up so fast. This week he's really focused on more toys. I caught him staring at a lion toy talking to it! Sooo cute! He talks to us all day long! He's a little chatterbox. Okay, my family has only him as sleepy Jude. If he's not chatting he's sleeping LOL. Loves to sleep. It's funny, after being awake for an hour and half he's ready for a nap! Granted, if I could nap all day I would be too! He also found his hand this week. LOVES to chew it! It's so cute to watch him suck on his little fist. Definitely a thumb sucker in the future.

We have started mall walking again with Rachel and Eli! What a good time :) He's great in the stroller. In fact, I tried to wake him to eat at one point but he just wanted nothing to do with it. So on we went with walking!

Baby Carrier Adventures: Well I thought it would be fun to sing and dance while Jude was the carrier...and things were going great. We were singing nursery rhymes, helping daddy do work stuff (right, let's not kid myself, I just agreed and smiled to support. Had no actual clue what he was doing :), but then I look down and boom, the kid is out! Sleeping in the carrier. Adorable sure but the problem with this (and all mothers who have this and use this know) is that you can NOT do anything with the kid in it. I have a few things to do: unload dish washer, switch over laundry, fold laundry, put away cookie cake I made (this isn't the worst), clean up the cookie cake mess, etc. BUT this stupid thing does not let you bend over, sit down, or move at all really (So I'm updating this :). I mean it's great and all, but man, now I'm forced to have a baby strapped in front of me until he wakes up because I am not waking him. He looks so sweet and peaceful!

Jude before...

Jude after...

Top 10 Baby Items (that I could not live without-for me!)
1. Swaddleme! Most fabulous thing, I will be swaddling Jude when he is 17.
2. Burp clothes! I think we go through about 4 a day.
3. Baby Khakis! Everyone knows I dress Jude in the same khakis because they are SO darn cute! I have sizes Newborn, 3months, and 6months :)
4. Stroller! As previously mentioned, how did I live without this?
5. Swing. I heart the swing :)
6. Childrens music. John knows I sing nursery rhymes all day/night :)
7. Books!
8. Pump. Enough said.
9. Anything that lights up! (overhead lights, toys, rattles, miners hats, etc.:)
10. Daddy...another hand off!

Just for my (and your) entertainment, I wrote down a whole day of Jude activity (or lack there of) so here goes:

January 11, 2011
9 pm-6 am-Bedtime!
6 am-feeding/back in bed by 6:15
7:30 am-up for day
8 am-feeding/play
9 am-9:30 am-short nap
9:45-starving...sigh (seriously Jude, 1.5 hours...?) then play
11 am-3 pm afternoon nap!
3 pm-feeding/play
4:30 pm-fell asleep in baby carrier
5 pm-up from short cat nap...
5:30 pm- feeding/play
6:42 pm-nighttime nap
7:15 pm-awake/play
7:40 pm-bath
8 pm-"midnight" snack (to Jude)
9 pm-bed
6 am-feeding/up at 8 for day! He's usually up by 7:30 though.

January Week One Update: Well, I have to admit, the weekly walk as a family just didn't really happen this week :( BUT, he did workout and I did mall walk! And did Wii fit with Jude sitting in those carrying things! It was highly entertaining! Jude seemed to like it!

January 13 Week Two!
Board names every night! I hope we have 7 board games here! If not, we'll be playing Yahtzee daily. Ha. Hoping to kick John's butt at sorry! Will report back how Week 2 goes!

Other pictures of the 10th week (we were busy this week!)

Ha I think Uma does this to get a better view of the neighbors dog and because she's right next to the vent now.

Do you see that!? The light!

What are you trying to tell me mom? I stink!?

Cutie pies! Eli and Jude at Breadco:)

2 Weeks apart!

Well, there ya go! A snowy week = long, fun filled blog (for me at least!)

John, Kate, Jude, and Umadog

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