Thursday, January 20, 2011

11 Weeks

Low key week really! Jude has been talking more and more and is on the verge of laughing! It's pretty cute :) He has also started the high pitch squeal! Whatever that is! But it is definitely a happy squeal! He's also been having parties at night...chatting with friends. (I think I need to enforce the no friends over after 8 rule already!)

Pediatrician Appt
: 2 months Jude was 10 weeks exactly
Weight: 12.4 pounds! When we laid him on the scale the nurse said, "Oh wow we have some cheeks!" Ha. Go figure!
Length: 23 inches! No longer a shorty! Granted his pants still seem too big...
Jude has a tight neck as I call it. His Ped verified and recommended physical therapy for his neck to loosen it up; we go Monday. That'll be interesting. Nothing to worry about though. It seems normal for babies to have this. At least that's how is Ped put it.
Shots: Awe, so sad. He got three! One oral, two on right leg, and one on left. He actually didn't scream as much as I thought he would :) He did have a rough night that night, wanting his mommy a bit more than usual, but we made it through.

Well it sure was cold and boring this week! So boring I decided to put together most of his "big boy" toys that he can't really use until he's much bigger. But oh well, gave me something to do :)

Week 2 Update: Much more successful than week one! If you recall our challenge of the week was the play boards! We didn't quite play a game every night, however did play a bit of Yahtzee! I love that game. I am starting to realize it's hard because by the time John gets home, it's time for dinner, bath, bed which takes up most of our night. And I still try to get to bed when Jude does. But we did play some!

January 20 Week Three:
Playing Wii together. Right I know, boring. But I have this strange desire to play it!

We also celebrated Uma's 2nd birthday on January 19! Happy Birthday to my first baby! We celebrated by making and eating an entire cookie cake. John and I that is...and in record time I might add!

This week I start class on Thursday :( I have no idea how these working moms do it. I could never leave him all day for 5 straight days! I hate leaving him for an hour! I would go insane leaving him! I am sooo sad to leave him Thursdays now. I know he's in good hands with Daddy but man, I know I'll be thinking about him all night long! School will be worth it in the long run, and I am so close to being done, it's just so sad to leave that sweet, smiley baby all night! Good thing I only have one on Thursdays.

I'm glad mommy got bored and put this together for me! It has LIGHTS! I'm a bit too small but I'll grow into it :)

I LOVE my hands. Yummy!

See guys, I'm not that lazy. I can lift up my head, I just don't always want to.

One of my more serious sides.

I finally fit in this adorable outfit!

John, Kate, Jude, and Uma

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