Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy 91st Grandma (Great-Grandma) Rita! Jude turns 9 weeks!

Forgot to post this earlier, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Grandma (Jude's Great Grandma!) She turned 91 on December 31! John, Jude, and I brought her a birthday lunch of Chinese food (YUM) last Wednesday. We had a great time! Good food, shared some stories and snapped some pictures with Grandma!

Jude got just a bit sleepy with Great Grandma's stories :)

9 Weeks! WOW. Jude has changed so much this week. He is far more alert than ever! Following his cousins, other people, and animals. He sits in his bouncy seat looking up, smiling, and cooing at his animals. He loves his floor zoo mat thing A LOT now too! He is soo adorable. I suppose I'm suppose to throw him down there then get things done around the house, HA, however, I find myself staring at him, snapping 100's of pictures because his smile does not leave his face :) It is the best thing! I think now I am a pro at detecting all his different cries. He doesn't have many but I know the "mom I'm exhausted cry," and "entertain me/hold me cry." So he's pretty easy to keep happy :)

This week we've been working on establishing a bed-time routine. Not bad at all! In fact, what I've learned is that Jude needs to be home during the night time. Not only is this his most alert, awake time, but around 7:30/8pm we start our bed time routine! Lesson Learned: For New Years Eve we went to my sisters house and although it was a blast, I thought we could leave at 8:30 and then put Jude to bed around 9 when we got home, but he had a different plan. The traveling that late did not work. He stayed up until 11 pm (maybe he just wanted to bring in the New Year?!) Soooo, I think we're restricted to our home at night but I do not mind. That's probably the best for him anyways. He can calm down, play with his toys, take a bath, read books, one last feeding at 9 and then bed time. I lay him down, usually drowsy, then he's out by 9:30. It's perfect for now. I'd like earlier than 9/9:30 but he sleeps until 4 am then is up around 7 for the day! Perfect I'd say. I can do this :) So don't be offended if we are anti-social now at night...or if just one of us goes out... I'm all about the routines and since Jude is sooo easy going with most things, I can perfect this and work on getting 10 hours of sleep straight a night :) Ha, just kidding, 7-8 is just fine :)

I think it's too early, or from what I read/research it is, but I think I'm going to try and get him on a nap schedule now too. If bed time was that easy, nap time can't be that bad right? Does this mean that shopping Jude will have to be sleeping Jude?! Ah...Nah, just means he'll have to nap in his carseat! Ha. But really, two-three solid naps a-day would be great, however he is only 9 weeks old. I suppose he has to eat...darn, may have to wait longer on this. I like to try and keep the 2-2.5 hour feedings during the day. I think 2-2.5 hours of feedings during the day = 7 straight hours at night. :) Okay so nap time routine later! Thanks for talking that through with me.

Oh the pregnancy brain! Okay, not quite the pregnancy brain anymore obviously, but I am still having episodes of baby brain! WOW, this week I was going to recycle old boxes but tried to put them in the washer...yep. Classic right? So make sure you don't tell me anything important or if you do write it down. I can't wait for my brain to come back. Hopefully before class starts. Right, taking another class this Spring but really almost done! Only one class left and a year intern. But we won't talk about the intern, makes me sad thinking I'll have to leave Jude for a few days.

Oh have I got a surprise for you! Well not for you at all, but rather for John and I. John and I have decided to do something together every week for the entire year. Right, Kate, you guys do this always. Nope, this is different. It can be anything! For example one week we may decide to cook dinner together every-night, one week we may play board games nightly, one week we may see how clean John can get the house (hahaha, just kidding) but you get the idea. Something together for a week for the entire year! The weeks will start on Thursday because that is when the update begins! Of course before telling you the new goal of the week, I will update how successful the last one was. So begins...

Jan 5 Week One-(John's wants to get in shape, so like all others...)This week we will go on a nightly family walk! John, me, Jude, and Uma. Okay, right with weather permitting. I won't take Cheeks out in 20 degrees! 21, yes. Kidding! But if not, well all 4 try and get on the treadmill together. What a sight right! Haha. Wish us luck!

Pictures of the week!

Chilling in Joey's bouncy seat. What a life.

LOVE my zoo.

One lazy, sleepy guy.

Your Favorite Family of Four
John, Kate, Jude, and Uma

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