Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hi, I'm Kate. . .

Hi, I'm Kate. I'm addicted to storing Liquid Gold. My addiction started shortly after the birth of my son, Jude. Around the middle of November, I started storing up liquid gold, only expecting to get small nuggets, but to my surprise, a gold mine was established! It all started when my son would only eat one side. I felt as though I should relieve the other and store. And so that is how this all began. I have a minimum of 5 ounces a day I must store. If I don't *sigh* I feel disappointed, angry at myself, and discouraged (hahaha). I just see no need to quit this because it only takes about 7 minutes out of my day and is usually done around 3:30 am. I currently have 641.75 ounces stored. You did not misread that number, 641.75. In fact, I actually document what I put in, take it, increments, dates, the works. I'll see you at the next meeting in a few months!

Ha. Okay, don't worry, all of this isn't true (I'm not disappointed, angry, etc. if I don't store). I just got carried away with joining the group! Ha. But, I do have over 600 ounces, and pump for about 7 minutes a night. I did tell you about my record one time didn't I? Jude slept 9 pm-6 am. Can you guess how many ounces I got at 6 am? Right, around 16. I could have got more also but it's soooo incredibly boring sitting there. Granted, that occasion was actually funny! I only have bottles that hold 5 ounces so I'm screaming to John "We hit the goldmine! Grab more bottles!" Milk was spraying everywhere, Uma was licking everything, Jude was laughing, John was running around, okay, I'm exaggerating this too. But you can imagine right!? Funny, I don't even like milk. No joke, hate it.

What will I do with this milk?!?! I know, some of you want to buy if from me. *Hints the name liquid gold! Others think I'll use it. Others think I won't touch it. Well, I believe it's good for about 3 months stored in a normal freezer. John and I just so happen to have an extra refrigerator/freezer in the garage (thank goodness, granted this only helps my addiction), that I only keep milk in (the freezer part). Therefore, it's only opened maybe once a day. Most likely 4-5 times a week I'd say. So I still have some stored that are good until the end of March, April, and May. I'm actually hoping someone will read this and tell me I can keep the milk for maybe 6 months instead of just 3...Debbie? Ask Donna! Okay, great, thanks, let me know :) BUT, if I don't use all this milk, I do plan to donate it before it'll go bad. I know weird right! But all those sweet little NICU babies could really benefit from my chocolate cake smelling/tasting milk! It'll chunken those babies up real fast! :) Look at mine! And, I mean come on, doesn't it make you feel good to know you do something wonderful for someone so helpless! I should have had twins. John tells me that. I do recall calling Donna the first week Jude was born. It was really hard to coordinate Jude and er me. Possibly the hardest thing. She said to keep a watch, I may be an overproducer. I wonder if this verifies that I am....?

FIFO. John has taught me the FIFO-first in first out method. Therefore, all the milk is stored perfectly in containers, the back ones being more recent. It's amazing how organized my freezer is actually. I will admit, I did start storing by just throwing the milk in, but once I realized the collection was out of control, I quickly started organizing better. Now, it's perfect.

So let's do the math (oh man, forgive me now John for even attempting). I have 600 ounces (I'm rounding down to help my situation ha). Let's say Jude is 4 months (even though he isn't yet, but once again, it'll be easier for me :) That means I saved 150 ounces a month? Or 37ish ounces a week. Or 5.3 ounces a day. Yep, that sounds right. Or, we can say, I have nearly enough for an entire month (okay, 27 days...) Is anyone free? John and I want to take a trip around the world for a month!?

So how long do I plan on nursing? This is a popular question to me. Well, I have thought it through and I think 4 will be my cut off. I mean by age 4, they should be okay to drink 2%. HA I'm KIDDING. No worries. 6 months was my original goal, however, he's already almost 4 and things are so easy. I mean, I always have what he needs. So, I think my new goal is one year. Not only will we be saving money by not buying formula, but Jude will be getting the tastiest, best nutrition. And, the good thing is, is that since I have a month stored, I can hopefully wean by 9 months (August) but yet still have stored milk for a bit to use. Because around Aug, he will not be primarily drinking milk for his diet. So I may be able to stretch that month supply out to 3 months. We will see though. I do already see a decrease in my production. By this, I mean sometimes I only get 3 ounces a day, not 5 :)

Okay, enough about milk, I got my fix for the week. But wait, I wonder if it'd taste good with chocolate syrup? I tease John about making Mac and Cheese. Once we ran out of milk but I told John "we're never out of milk..." Ha.

Next week will resume Jude's week. Just wanted to share my freezer with you :)

See behind...

Nicely organized isn't it.

I think for the next kid, I'll see if I can't convince John to buy one of those deep freezer, that stores milk for up to a year! Imagine how much more milk I can get/store :)

Okay can't resist, just one of my cutie!

Bought this fancy carrier thing for cheap. Thought to eliminate my Target outbursts, little did I know, Jude is a chunk. May have to save it for the next one. It's just a bit tight with him in it!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

15 Weeks

I think it's about time I start saying 3 and a half months, etc. What do you think? For the first time a few weeks ago someone asked how old my baby was and I said, "3 months." Sad but he's no longer so little. Pretty soon people will be asking and I'll be saying 89 weeks. LOL.

Busy week. I had a test on Thursday so that is why this is late. It's hard to balance all the babies I have in my house: Jude, Uma, and the biggest one, John with school work :) We did manage to make it outside though with this fantastic weather!

I suppose Jude will like running with me:

His 3 month pictures!

Here's this week for ya!

Jude's first Beatles shirt.

Jude and baby doll=twins. Don't you think!

That's where he got those ears from!

Aww, still small enough to sleep on mommy!

Family Picture!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

14 weeks

You know me, I can't sit still for over a few minutes. Ha. So our big adventure this week was our Target trip! You know, after being stuck in the house for, it seems, days beyond days (It was about 5 hours), I had the desire to get out of this house! I planned this perfectly. We would leave around 12:30 when he should be napping. I waited patiently and at 12:30 precisely we loaded up and left! It was about a 5 minute drive to Target and when I opened the door, a happy, wide awake Jude was staring at me. Yikes I thought. Oh well, as long as he's good! We put him the cart and off we go. Not 5 minutes later I'm that annoying, obnoxious lady with the screaming baby. Ugh. Got him out, put him on my hip (still screaming) but determined to enjoy "my day out outing," pulling the cart and letting him spit up in nearly just about every isle we walk in. I think "do I get out a wet wipe and clean it up" Nah. We move from isle to isle. Got nothing on the list but a fountain soda. Was it worth that fountain soda I ask myself??? Ugh.

Besides that, week 14! He's seriously getting soo big! So heavy, cheeks are bigger, legs are fatter, butt is more explosive! Had our first blow out in the tub last night. EWW I'll spare you the details but it wasn't pretty. He laughs almost everyday now! It's the sweetest thing!
Bath time fun! Ignore the blowup in the background. I later cleaned it with that lovely bar of soap sitting next to Jude's body wash! Thanks Carol! Came right out :)

Cousin Love

I think they look alike here. I mean, imagine Jude without the cheeks!

Always entertaining here :)

Grandpa playing with Jude boy!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Happy 3 Months to my Baby Boy!

3 months ago today. I can not believe is he that old! He's growing too fast almost! Well, I have special 3 months pictures and a video of Jude ROLLING OVER! Belly to back! All by himself! With no support, help, or pillow underneath him. Just pure encouragement! I think he got this quickly because he still hates his belly time :) Enjoy. Jude and I will out shopping for his 3 month birthday stocking up on 6-9 month clothes because some of the 3 month are a bit tight :)

Yep, I realize these are all the same pictures just taken over and over :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

13 Weeks

Snowy snowy snowy week! WOW. Talk about bored. Jude and I did NOTHING. All week. We literally just stared at eachother. Of course, I did the most ridiculous things to try to get him to laugh as much as possible. Worked most of the time. I also decided there would be no need to wear "day time clothes" so we both, actually all 3, stayed in pajamas all week pretty much. I can not wait to get out in the Spring weather all day long. I actually had a dream I got to cut the grass. . .but tried to with the vacuum cleaner. Yikes.

Jude is getting soo big now :( So sad but so cute also! We've been doing his physical therapy. Right, what do you with a baby for PT? I know I know, that's my thought too. I just sorta drop his neck at various times, romp it against the door, etc. It'll straighten out that way in now time :)

I know I got a bit lost last week. I must have been busier than I thought. No clue. So this week:

February 3 Week 5: High FIVES whenever we see eachother! Right so when we wake up in the morning, get in the car, change Jude's diapers, pick nose you bet, high five! Okay no, that could get a bit crazy but say he comes home from work, high five! Lol we tested it out and it was pretty funny. Well here's the latest update, what's going on this week:

EXPECTING AGAIN!! I know, I know, it's crazy isn't it? I can't believe it myself. I wasn't going to put it on here because it's obvious but wanted to make it official. I mean who would have guessed that we are expecting AGAIN!! Yup it's official.. We are expecting *snow* today and AGAIN tomorrow!! **Re-post if you have any sense of............ humor!! Ha found this on facebook, thought it was pretty funny! Although, I do not think we are really expecting any snow today or tomorrow. :) No we are not really/actually expecting. Ha. Gotcha!

Loves those hands!

Loves his big boy chair!

Ha! Silly Jude!

Such a round face!

Watching tv

Pretty boy as the Meyer side says. :)

Uma always in the action!

Okay I know this does not count! But he gets an A for effort! We've been perfecting the roll over being snowed in!

Till next week!
Your Favorite Family of Four
OH I guess there is a special 3 Month update tomorrow. Really, just adding a few more pictures :)
J, K, J, and always Uma