Thursday, February 10, 2011

14 weeks

You know me, I can't sit still for over a few minutes. Ha. So our big adventure this week was our Target trip! You know, after being stuck in the house for, it seems, days beyond days (It was about 5 hours), I had the desire to get out of this house! I planned this perfectly. We would leave around 12:30 when he should be napping. I waited patiently and at 12:30 precisely we loaded up and left! It was about a 5 minute drive to Target and when I opened the door, a happy, wide awake Jude was staring at me. Yikes I thought. Oh well, as long as he's good! We put him the cart and off we go. Not 5 minutes later I'm that annoying, obnoxious lady with the screaming baby. Ugh. Got him out, put him on my hip (still screaming) but determined to enjoy "my day out outing," pulling the cart and letting him spit up in nearly just about every isle we walk in. I think "do I get out a wet wipe and clean it up" Nah. We move from isle to isle. Got nothing on the list but a fountain soda. Was it worth that fountain soda I ask myself??? Ugh.

Besides that, week 14! He's seriously getting soo big! So heavy, cheeks are bigger, legs are fatter, butt is more explosive! Had our first blow out in the tub last night. EWW I'll spare you the details but it wasn't pretty. He laughs almost everyday now! It's the sweetest thing!
Bath time fun! Ignore the blowup in the background. I later cleaned it with that lovely bar of soap sitting next to Jude's body wash! Thanks Carol! Came right out :)

Cousin Love

I think they look alike here. I mean, imagine Jude without the cheeks!

Always entertaining here :)

Grandpa playing with Jude boy!

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