Thursday, February 17, 2011

15 Weeks

I think it's about time I start saying 3 and a half months, etc. What do you think? For the first time a few weeks ago someone asked how old my baby was and I said, "3 months." Sad but he's no longer so little. Pretty soon people will be asking and I'll be saying 89 weeks. LOL.

Busy week. I had a test on Thursday so that is why this is late. It's hard to balance all the babies I have in my house: Jude, Uma, and the biggest one, John with school work :) We did manage to make it outside though with this fantastic weather!

I suppose Jude will like running with me:

His 3 month pictures!

Here's this week for ya!

Jude's first Beatles shirt.

Jude and baby doll=twins. Don't you think!

That's where he got those ears from!

Aww, still small enough to sleep on mommy!

Family Picture!

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