Monday, June 20, 2011


Meet Basil. Not the herb, the turtle. He just appeared on my back porch one day. I asked John if we could dig up the dirt in the veggie garden we just created and place him in there as a home, but John's no fun and said no. Later that day we found him walking across the street to the pond.

Laughing at Uma and Fran playing

Loves Uma.


Oh my. What a group.

Thank you Rachel! She was so sweet to join me in celebrating my 1st birthday! :) Love you Rachel!

What is this!?

So let's see. Those pictures are what it is new :) Actually, just today (June 20), I started sleep training Jude. I realize that when I start my internship in Aug., the ladies that will be watching him won't be able to nurse him to sleep. :( So here begins the struggle with putting him down for naps. Today was okay. Actually not as bad as I thought it would go. Woohoo. But tomorrow is a whole different day ;/

Other than that, same old. Just hanging out all day. He doesn't really have any new tricks. Ha. I am not quite promoting the movement. No need to chase him around all day. I'll save that for then I start my intern :) Ha. Suckers. Just kidding! Okay more later :) Enjoy the pictures!

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