Sunday, June 26, 2011

June 26th

Well, the GARDEN is done! Thank you Carol and Tim for helping with the habeneros. John can't wait to sweat I mean eat them :) I think we even did this without my "one month time limit" or if not it was really close! Yep, we started this May 21, finished it today, June 26th. Not bad. Not bad.

I can't believe Jude will be 8 months on the 4th. Ahh he's getting so big. Scoots all around his crib. He's never where I laid him! It's pretty funny. Also I have a belly sleeper (finally)!! This would have been nice around 4-5 months but oh well. He sings, talks, all the time! He's also getting a bit of an attitude if you ask us. He LOVES mirrors, talking to himself in the mirror, while banging with my hairbrush. BUT if you take him away from it before he's done, oh man, watch out! He'll get mad. Yep, my happy, so easy going baby as a bit of an attitude :) He also is obsessed with stroller wheels. Becky and I went to the mall for a bit and I actually had to camp out at Macy's for about 15 minutes so that he could get it out of his system. Ugh. Here's what we've been up to!

Finally using Sophie has she's suppose to be played with.
Sod! Garden!
Sod! Garden!
Jean diapers!
Right, she did this herself. Silly dog.
Had to lower crib. Belly sleeping with legs crossed!
Helen and I playing Dart Tag.
Uma wants the pretzel rod, Jude wants her collar. Whoops, just noticed I already posted this. Oh well! You love it anyways :)

Well, the GARDEN is done! Thank you Carol and Tim for helping with the habeneros. John can't wait to sweat I mean eat them :) I think we even did this without my "one month time limit" or if not it was really close!

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