Sunday, June 12, 2011

Gulf Shores!

First family vacation to Gulf Shores! It was a blast. Nice weather. Much cooler than here but not cold. It was great! The beach was beautiful. We left Friday, June 3rd, John's Birthday, at 7:30 hoping the boys would fall asleep. We went with Stacie, Rob and Joey! They did, eventually. We drove to Jackson Mississippi. It was a looong, tiring drive. The boys did okay. Joey would wake up, cry, then stop. Then Jude would wake up, cry, then stop. Repeat for about an hour straight. Nothing we could really do so we just kept driving....We got to the hotel around 3 am, slept until Jude woke us up at 6:45 (which is actually sleeping in), then left there around 9. Took us a bit longer to get to Gulf Shores, but we made it! Rob immediately put his suit on and was ready to jump in! HA. We didn't really do much, but relax, play in ocean, lay out, pool time, etc. Here are all the pictures! There's a lot! Too many good ones to pick from!

First time on beach/looking at ocean!

View from our balcony.

Stacie insisted that we clean the place as we got there...This is Rob mopping. Yikes.

So happy in the hotel in Jackson!

Checking out that water!

Getting acquainted with daddy!

POPATOT. Cool thing. Put it up, he plays, we play :)

Loved the pool!

I think he's going to be a swimmer!

Took a little bit to get used to it, but he loved it after a bit!

Wanting to eat Joey's head.

Played on the balcony, alot.

Telling Sophie about his ocean experience.

STILL his favorite toy.

Pretty sure I was reciting "Hop on Pop"

Our pool.

Chilling while we swim :)

Time to jump in!

Slowly, jumping in.

The sweetest thing.

Boys on beach!

Joey prefers to eat like this :)

Soo cute!

My favorite boys!

Love him so much.

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