Sunday, February 12, 2012

The longest post I've ever made, but I think you'll enjoy...

He's happy now, wait until September.

Well here we are! Your favorite family of FIVE. It was bound to happen right. I am such a good looking being. No really. FIVE. John, Kate, Jude, Fetus and Uma. Today is February 3 and we just saw our second fetus. Well, I mean there was only one (thank goodness) but Jude was the first fetus I've ever seen. But this one....Huge! I am measuring right at 8 weeks. The heartbeat was at 171. I looked back at charts, because let's face it, I will most likely compare everything to Jude's pregnancy. He was at 158 at 7w1d. This one is much higher but I'm not sure if that b/c I was measuring around 8 weeks and not 7. Regardless, everything looks great. I am even starting 3 lbs lighter than Jude's pre-pregnancy. Thank you mom for great genes and blue jeans, really. Oh I will also I will not be returning your yoga pants. Remember those. Oh right and I'm due September 14th or 15th. Crap I forget already.

There's only ONE, don't go getting exciting on me.

Ugh speaking of yoga are some of my first few initial thoughts with this pregnancy.
1. CRAP! I will be starting my third trimester in the middle of JUNE. Does it get any worse than that?
2. Ummm....looks like I will be even bigger than before in a two piece. Sorry for those who will have to see this.
3. 2 under 2, for 2 months?? What were we thinking?
4. I will need to find 3 different short sleeve maternity shirts to replace my 3 long sleeved. Boo.

Funny, when you are pregnant the first time your thoughts are so pure, exciting, happy, and just ignorant. Second time around it's "OH MAN, I have to go through labor again?! Ugh. Ugh, I have to get fat again. Hope this baby doesn't wake me up a lot with kicks. Hope this baby let's me eat! Hope I will be able to breathe, hope I can bounce back, hope I know if my water breaks this time:)".....Those are the second time around thoughts. Oh and there's no more "Chicken and fruit" for dinner it's fast, unhealthy, and ultimately delicious. So that's where I find myself.

So I'm 8 weeks. How do I feel? If you recall, with Jude I didn't feel anything until about this time. Well hello 6 week mark. I have felt pretty bad for 2 weeks now. Not to mention I am about the meanest person I know. This child is sucking out all my good. Which is okay I think....Poor John. He's deals. We all deal. Other than that, I have not noticed a change physically besides being really achy when I get up in the morning. Maybe it's because I'm getting about 10-12 hours of sleep? I rarely move. And that still doesn't seem like enough. Yawn.

How did this happen you may be asking!? Funny....I just knew. Like the day after. No joke. Is it because I'm so well versed with pregnancy now? Because I am meant to be pregnant? Nah, it's because I am simply awesome. In tune... with it. How can you not be with a 1 year old, working part time, class at night, and a husband who I find is traveling to Seattle or draft pick meetings :) So here's the facts:

1. (Days after Christmas) Rachel and I, with the boys of course, went mall walking. Nothing unusual, just normal mall walking. We have it down now. Let them walk, play, feed them lunch, then back to stroller for a nice nap while we clock some hours (okay more like minutes) before they wake up. Off we went. La, la, la. Then BOOM, ZAP, out of nowhere I had a brief, minor dizzy spell. “Oh man” I thought. “This hasn’t happened for a years.” I only wonder what it was. Onward. I won’t let a silly, less than a minute dizzy feeling stop us from power-walking!
2. (One night after mall walking) John and I are boring at night. We usually just watch TV, a movie, or work on computers. We decided to watch Troy that night. It actually did catch my attention because if you know me, you know that within 3 minutes, if the movie doesn’t rope me in, I give up on it. Along came 8 pm. Let me repeat 8 PM! Not 10, 11, or midnight but 8 pm. Not even 9 pm! 8 showed and I could not keep my eyes open! I went to bed.
3. December 31, Grandma Rita’s 92nd birthday! Wahoo! My mom and I, with my Jude of course, brought her Chick-Fil-A. Quite possible the BEST fast food ever. I mean that delicious, juicy chicken sandwich on that nicely toasted bun, with a side of waffle fries, and of course diet coke. (mouth waters) Well of course, I stuffed my face with the entire meal containing over 1000 calories. Sigh. And then felt full, uncomfortable, stuffed solid, and exhausted. To anyone besides me (and my mom), you may think that feeling may be normal. I mean all that nasty fast food right? No, I usually scarf that down then could eat more Chick-Fil-A. I mean it is the best thing ever. Well after that very long afternoon, I did manage to consume 3 more donuts at my mom’s house. Needless to say, my point is that that full, uncomfortable, stuffed solid feeling beyond anything you’ve felt after Thanksgiving feeling was not normal! (for me...)
(Early January) John had a giftcard that he wanted to spend at Men’s Warehouse. Of course we had to join. Off we went to run errands then go to the mall. Finally we got to the mall. While John got my new phone (wahoo!) Jude and I walked around for a bit. Then we all headed up to Men’s Warehouse. Well Jude was done by then. So we proceeded to walk while John shopped. Any other day, I would have thought “Awesome, I can get some good mall walking in today!” But after a few minutes, and Jude had fallen asleep, I actually went to a chair and sat. I was SO incredibly tired. What was wrong with me. Rachel and I can walk for hours and this 30 minutes had exhausted me!! It was actually embarrassing! I felt lazy not being able to walk.
(Wednesday, January 4) Way to early to test but I thought oh well, I have multiple dollar tests. . . What is that?! Is that what I think it is?! The “control line” was as solid as can be. And the test line, nothing. There was a big, fat negative. BUT, if I held that little stick up to the light, I could see what might be a super duper, barely there, no normal person would see it but me b/c I have 20/17 vision (that’s right) faint, pink, shadow of a line. It all made sense to me now. I knew it was there. What did I do? Jude and I ran to target where he walked around with a box of “first response” pregnancy tests (3 for the price of 2!! b/c everyone knows that you can’t take just one or two) shaking it all the way to the checkout. Nine dollars later, and some odd 15 minutes later, I took a more accurate test. Almost the same. Nothing appeared until the full 3 minutes. A control line and faint positive. Oh man. Hello number 2.

So where are we now? To date, I am 9 weeks, 2 days along. I have taken pictures but only on my phone and quickly deleted. Don't worry, there will be more. Will we find out what we are having? Absolutely not. John convinced me the other day to not...again. So yep, you only have 6.5 more months to wait! I know you are so excited for the blog to continue with number two though. As am I. Well, while I feel good, I have a list of things to get done. Phew, I'm so glad it's out there now. The blog was really boring for awhile ha. Oh oh although I am posting on the blog the pregnancy, I will NOT be on facebook. The facebook world is not ready for this sorta news. So refrain from posting how fat I'm getting on Facebook or commenting "maybe it's the fetus" if I write "had 6 donuts for lunch". K thanks.

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