No 2 hates me, and sometimes...I dislike it. I thought it was a phase or "rough" week but I think 3rd trimester "symptoms" have struck WAY earlier than the 3rd tri....
I can't sleep, literally pee at least every 2 hours (or attempt to), can't bend over without fire vomit. And when I say fire vomit, I actually mean it like FIRE VOMIT. Holy cow, if this is a girl, I will be able to braid her hair once she pops out :) No joke. I'm getting more sensitive to food hourly....sometimes just the smell of it fills me up! I have no craving other than to NOT go out to eat b/c the "friedness" makes me nervous. Ugh, No 2.
On a positive note, Jude looks for baby daily, he also pushes my outtie back in, I'm getting rounder, we go back to the doc next Friday, I have felt the hiccups multiples times (as has my mom), I can identify the head, feel baby constantly, and we're working out a schedule to get on the same sleep patterns ;)
This is how I feel the best. Floating in water, laying flat, with a hint of pure sunshine...
I love that you call it Fire Vomit! Had the same problem with #2 and #3. Had to sleep sitting straight up and not eat anything 3 hours before bed! Even drinking water killed me! Good luck and it gets better about a week before you give birth. :)