Friday, June 15, 2012

27 Weeks

Fetus movement...27 Weeks

Could this be? Is this truly correct? 2-7, twenty seven, 27 weeks....If I'm not mistaken, we're on the home stretch....The LAST trimester!!!!!!! FINALLY.  I mean I don't want to rush this, after all, this will be the last child, but it sure is nice to think it can't get any worse, I mean more enjoyable!  Looking so forward to cuddling with a sweet, tiny baby.  So ready!!!  The bigger I get, the more I can't wait.  I guess that makes sense.  I won't even tell you how I feel, well overall NOT bad, but I am convinced it's an evil girl.  Thus will be our last :)

I was cutting the grass today thinking "Man, I can't believe it's already this dead and it's only mid June."  There may not be that many more grass cutting days....:(

Jude and I have kept very busy with our summer.  I really want to cherish the time alone with him because let's face it, come September we'll be adding another to the clan and it's sad to think of less Jude time.  I think he'll adjust just fine, but why not spend every second making him smile all summer long!  We've been getting together with Eli having dance parties, playing cars, and teaching him everything.  I don't know what happened, but within the last week, everything really seemed to "click" with him!  He knows a handful of letters (maybe 5-those are hard), he can identify every pool table ball color (and often will bring me something and correctly identify the color!), and can identify his shapes!  I'm so proud!!  He also mimics about every word I say.  Today he said "Joe!" and my favorite is "big rig" from a truck book.  He cracks us up daily!  He's so sweet.  We meet the Reardon gang at the park in the AM he would say "Joe!" then point and to his best ability say "swing"...he wanted Joey to swing next to him.  So sweet.  Okay, maybe I can only understand him but man, he knows soo much more just this last week.  I hope No 2 can be as cute otherwise, we all know who John and I will favor ;)

Doctor Appointment Update!!!

Weight: up 8
Blood pressure:112/70
Height: 5'4 still :(
Measuring: 25.5 cm
Due Date: Sept 14, 2012

                                                                  A man and his dog.

                                                     Mom, I think someone's following me...
          I have a fear of tunnel things...Jude did too, he wouldn't go down, and so John went with him!

                                                                   He LOVES swimming.

Barney Dance Party with Best Bud Eli!  He LOVES this kid, as do I.  How could anyone not? We have such a great time with him!!

                                                                        No 2 surfing

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