Wednesday, November 7, 2012


 Baby-wearing (according to Wikipedia) is "the practice of wearing or carrying a baby or child in a sling or other form of carrier," whether for attachment parenting or baby transport.

The art of baby-wearing has been lost...I feel.  Okay maybe it hasn't.  But how many do you see in this area?  Right, minimal.  I should say art of baby-wearing is not common here.  So where did I get on this giant baby-wearing kick?  Well, ever since Jude's flat head scare, I vowed that any children after will NOT be laid flat on their heads.  Okay, that's totally unrealistic but some friends of mine pointed out that wrapping or baby-wearing allows the baby to be comfy and not affect head shape...

Actually here are tons of benefits:

Happy Babies. It’s true … carried babies cry less! Researchers found that baby-wearing for three hours a day reduced infant crying.  Even if it's not true, it's worth a shot!  

I would say on average, I wear Juliet 3 hours a day.  I mainly do it when Jude is needy,  wants me to play, when I want to cuddle, after doctor visits, when she needs to nap but refuses to be anywhere else, when she wants to cuddle, to calm her if she's overstimulated, or just because I want to.   

Healthy Babies. Premature babies and babies with special needs often enter the world with fragile nervous systems. When a baby rides in a sling attached to his mother, he is in tune with the rhythm of her breathing, the sound of her heartbeat, and the movements —walking, bending, and reaching.

Wearing also promotes quiet, alertness, resulting in learning.   This is the behavioral state in which an infant is most content and best able to interact with his environment. It may be called the optimal state of learning for a baby. Researchers have also reported that carried babies show enhanced visual and auditory alertness.  

To my surprise, there have been times I looked down to see her wide eyed staring.  At first, I was nervous.  Oh no, she's going to scream any minute!  But I carried on my duty, usually playing with Jude, and she would either go back to sleep or just chill.  Holy cow, I don't have to entertain her 24/7!  One time I wore her grocery shopping and looked down to her bright eyed!  I freaked out racing through the isles...nope she just looked around then went back to sleep.  

Confident Parents. A large part of feeling confident as a parent is the ability to read our babies’ cues successfully.  WOW Juliet is hard to read!  Holding our babies close in a sling allows us to become finely attuned to their movements, gestures, and facial expressions. Every time a baby is able to let us know that she is hungry, bored, or wet without having to cry, her trust in us is increased, her learning is enhanced, and our own confidence is reinforced.  I'm still learning this though.  This cycle of positive interaction deepens the mutual attachment between parent and child, and is especially beneficial for mothers who are at risk for or suffering from postpartum depression. 

Confidence...I was completely petrified to wear Juliet out early on.  Nervous she'd fall out, I'd be judged, or that I did it wrong, but practice made near perfection.  I am 99% confident now when I wear her out.  I can properly hide her, let her look out, sleep, and I haven't attempted feeding!  That, I may not :)  But it took about a month of practice at home and short target trips until I felt good.  Now, I can wear her in a matter of minutes.  And she's not a baby to sit in the carseat and just chill so this is VITAL when we go out.  Juliet feels my confidence.  I put her in the there and bounce, because she's not always the happiest going in, but she quickly calms.  I am also a protective mommy, okay maybe a bit over-protective I'll say, but by wearing her I feel better, know where she's at, and minimal germs. 

Loving Caregivers. Baby carriers are a great bonding tool for fathers, grandparents, adoptive parents, babysitters, and other caregivers. The baby is becoming used to voice, heartbeat, movements, and facial expressions, thus creating a strong attachment of their own. Baby carriers are beneficial for every adult in a baby’s life. Cuddling up close in the sling is a wonderful way to get to know the baby in your life, and for the baby to get to know you! 

No one else has worn Juliet, but if you'd like, let me know and I'll help you!  This is huge for me.  I get to cuddle with her AND play with Jude.  She's "involved" in our daily life routines and Jude sees that too.  She's part of this family just as much as anyone so for her to be right there is important.  

•Comfort and Convenience. With the help of a good carrier, you can take care of older children or do chores without frequent interruptions from an anxious infant.  This helps to reduce sibling rivalry. Need I say more.  CONVENIENCE. 

I have vacuumed, cleaned, walked the mall, etc. multiples times with Juliet.  In fact, she likes the vacuum sound and hair dryer!  I used to just wrap her up carefully and dry my hair when she was really little (don't worry I was safe :).   I can't wait until she's big enough to do the hip hold :) 

MY main reasons for wearing Juliet.

A.  My friends encouraged me.  
B.  The slings, wraps, and carriers are BEAUTIFUL.
C. I get publicity everywhere I go, just about every time I go out! (Okay we all know I don't like attention, but it's fun to explain baby wearing)
D. Juliet loves it.
E. Perfectly, let me say that again, perfectly, okay near perfect, round head shape.
F. It's fun!
G. Convenience.  
H. I know she's safe and in minimal danger.
I. I can eat dinner with TWO hands. 
J. I count this as my exercise daily.  
K. More cart room when shopping :) Especially with Jude sitting in the seat.  Because regardless of what everyone says, it's hard to go out with a carseat and 2 year old! 

 2 weeks old at Carnival!  Oh and I can carry Jude also! Win Win.
             Itty Bitty.  Did this for the first few weeks. 
                                            Just relaxing while we're at walmart.
                             Itty Bitty again.  2 weeks maybe.  This may be that "bonding moment"
                                             Pumpkin patch!  Able to play!
                                            Ring Sling!  Getting bigger 4 weeks.
 Just hanging out while we ran to walmart to get pumpkins!  8ish weeks.
 Shopping....I'm in a dressing room.  Unfortunately, or maybe I should say fortunately, she was comfy and I was not about ready to move her, so I didn't get to try anything on. 
                  Now she can work on head control and watch Jude!  2 months old!
                                                                 Look at that goofy smile.  Clearly she loves it.

So what do I want for xmas?  A fancy wrap I can use to do back carrying once she's bigger!!!  :)  


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