Sunday, November 18, 2012

This and That

 Well I was only going to post a few, but it's so hard to pick.  They are just so cute. :)  We've been busy.  In fact, I think every time I update, "we'll be busy..."  so here goes!
 He may not know his own strength but I say "do you want to give Juliet a kiss" he jumps to the opportunity.  He's so sweet....sometimes.

 Straight jacket.  I will add, Ms. Juliet has been sleeping about 8:30 until 4-6am, for about 4 weeks now.  It's amazing really.  Some mornings I feel ready to go at that 6 am feeding.  But we still lounge in bed for another hour.  Keep up the good work Juliet!  Hard to believe Jude was even better!
 Ah, my shopping partner.  She did okay.  Not like Jude.  She prefers to be strapped to my body.  Ha.
                                                                   Such a goofball!!
 Teaching Juliet at an early age that brushing teeth is fun and delicious.  Yes, he loves the training toothpaste.
 Jude had his 2 year checkup! I can't believe my baby is 2.  I'm so sad!  Jude weighs 27lbs even (37th%), is 33 1/2 inch (33rd%), and 75% for head.  Yeah, let's hope he grows into it.  He doesn't have to go back until age 3!!!  Pediatrician said "keep him in crib forever and wait to potty train at 3 or even older!"  I said "what about 2 1/2".  He gave me a look.  I knew what that meant.  I can struggle at 2 1/2 for months or wait until 3 and do it in a day.  Ahhhh decisions.  He's not ready though now.  No signs.  I'm waiting for my sister to do the trial run on her boy then I'll consider :)  
 Well here we are again.  Funny to see that John and Jude have the same expression as do Juliet and I...Hmmm. 
                                        Lazy night watching trains, or monkeys, or barney....
                                                             I'd be scared too Juliet.
  She will participate in our funny faces someday.  In the meantime, Jude and I will make fools of ourselves.
                                     Pop and et!  *and John's fuzzy pink slippers in the back*
                                                                       Oh my.
There may be more pictures of Juliet than Jude...but that's mainly b/c this kid is a rocket! I have to bribe him with candy to take a picture! Ha.  Getting to be a big boy sitting on couch. 

Cheers.  Let the holiday fun begin!!

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