Monday, March 29, 2010

6 Week update (which is really 5)

Officially 6 weeks today. Doctors tomorrow, followed by Mandarian Garden, picking up coffee table, and playing outside (72!!!!). Can't wait.

Our baby is the size of a blueberry this week :) Our baby is going on a limb this week as its arm and leg bubs begin to sprout and grow longer! I bet our baby will be on the shorter side though.

Only 34 weeks left! It's flying by! Lol just kidding. But last night John did say that the two weeks have flown. HA.

Weight: 106.6 (this morning, naked of course-gonna get the lightest possible weight). :)
Symptons: tired, crabby. However, I am always tired and crabby so its quite difficult to contribute this to something other than myself, but we'll go with the embryo! John highly supportive it makes me sick. Just kidding babe!
Craving: CARBINATION. I know odd huh? I'm going to buy carbinated water here shortly. I love that bubbly and want it. Soda free for almost a year now! With the exception of a sprite on occassion.

1: Uma dog...she wanted to be a part of it.
2: Typical picture 6 wks
3: Home from the gym, scary how amazing I look. Don't be intimated, it'll all vanish with time. LOL.

Names of the week:
Boy: Aloysius (middle name??) Nickname: Lewis
Girl: Helene (middle name??) Nickname: H

More to come! Possibly at 12 weeks, this could get really boring with weekly updates :) Everyone have a great day!

K and Embryo

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