Monday, March 29, 2010

7 Weeks (Really 6 weeks)

Officially 7 weeks today! Not much planned this week, still off for cycle break, counting down the days till we see our embyro (9).

Baby Update: Our baby is still an embryo but no longer a blueberry size but rather a raspberry size! Love raspberries :) Our baby is forming lips, tip of the nose, and thin eyelids, along with webbed hands and feet! I hope they stay webbed! Heart beats 150.

Only 33 weeks left! Thoughts: "ugh, I can't wait till I'm huge and can complain and get by with everything...."

Weight: 108 (taken at 12 in the afternoon, no I did not gain 2 lbs aready, don't get excited! But this was clothed and after eatting ...) Gotta hold on to the lower numbers as long as I can!
Symptons: tired (uma and I love our naps) and a bit funny feeling. Well describe later when I can figure it out myself.
Craving: Nothing. No more carbonation, does anyone like bottled water? I have about 5 bottles left...LOL. Last night, during class I held a conversation with John; see below:

Kate: "John I want a pizza."
John: "Whatever you want."
Kate: "Make it happen!"

I came home to NO pizza...need I be more clear? I thought I could get away with murder with being pregnant but I can't even get a pizza :( He needs a pep talk. . .

1: Uma being goof on my chair outside.
2: We really feel as though we are strong couple with this. Takes two people to get pregnant therefore, here is John at 7 weeks.
3: Me, tradition pose. I know boring.
4: Do you think I'm getting bigger? I really think I've put on some in the last week, you know with my personal trainer working with me and all, I think my biceps are improving :)
5: Ahh this just cracks me up. As a couple, we were training together for be the most amazing looking couple, well see how that goes in June.
6: He loves our sweetpea!
7: I love our sweetpea!

Names of the week:
Boy: Rex (t-rex for short)
Girl: Ursala (has a nice ring no?)
*Nope, no new name changes, imagine that!

More to come! Get excited! This is my favorite day of the week! I love photoshoots!

J and K and Embryo and Uma.
Your family of Four

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