Monday, March 29, 2010

8 Weeks (really 7)

Hello my favorite fans! What a crappy, rainy day! However, for John and I it was a blessed, great day (so far, still have class tonight ask me again after 8pm.)

Officially 8 weeks today! Alright, that's what this should read however with the doctor apt (also the reason why this update it later) we have a new confirmed due date! Novemeber 10, 2010. No longer the 2nd. That will give you approximately 8 more days to shop and spoil our baby rotten! So technically, I am 7 weeks and 1 day as of today. You may be thinking, what does this mean to you? It means that unstead of looking forward to your weekly update every Tuesday, you know now have a special humpday Wednesday update too look at! Also, it means we still have an embryo with a tail :) Love it....So what's going on? Only 10 more weeks of work till I can be a stay at home mom minus the mom! Can't wait! I have plans! Walking Uma, sleeping in, gym on occasion, spending money. . . Oh forgot John's on this email list....Mainly my plan is to have the grass cut weekly, learn how to weed-whack, clean the house daily (ha), and have hot cooked meals ready for my hard working man! And also, master every song on the piano! Right, we got a piano that I am thrilled about! It's amazing really, John can already drain out my playing and focus 100% on basketball. I'm so proud. Onward! (however, hope this talent doesn't transition across to the baby's crying.)

Baby Update:
As mentioned previously, we had our apt at 9 am today and were thrilled...We finally got to see the little peanut, yolk sac, and the heartbeat! The heartbeat was awesome. 158....Average is 110-160. Therefore, our baby has the strongest heart out there! And they say a fast hb means baby girl! Haha, okay just kidding. They used to say that, however it's fast because I'm only 7'll slow. But possibly still be a girl.

Only 32 weeks left! Thoughts: "holy cow, 32 more weeks left...."

Weight: change. 5 week doc apt read 110. Thanks god...I'd hate to be the pregnant lady that gains 5 lbs in 2 weeks....
Symptoms: tired as usual, and bit gross. Only two times have I felt gross however it was gross....I find myself writing a paper at my computer at the kitchen table then sprinting to the bathroom where Uma is always there to hold back my hair. (Sarah I think you felt this way recently :) How sweet huh? No vomit...yet...but felt awful. I think I've pinpointed this now, after I eat breakfast, I will feel like this from about 9-9:30am and it'll last about 20-40 minutes long. I can deal with this, let's just hope it doesn't get worse. And to think he couldn't find a baby a few weeks ago, well I can feel the affects of the baby now! So that is NOT good....things could get worse but lets just hope that was just the orange juice I drank those two morning that I usually dont...:) Other than that, I eat constantly at work. The kids all hate me and want some! lol. But recently...feel good. That really only occurred two times, strange.
Craving: Nothing. However, Mandarin Garden sounds fabulous doesn't it?

Photos: Well, since I'm 7 weeks...I'm too lazy to take more.. I promise next weeks will be real good I know that's the best part of the email!

Names of the week:
Boy: ??
Girl: Helena...John likes HelenA better than HelenE...I'm fine with either.

More to come! Get excited! You know you look forward to my weekly updates! Don't lie!

J and K and Embryo and Uma.
Your Family of Four <3

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