Wednesday, May 26, 2010

16 Weeks

23 Weeks left! Wooohooo

Baby Update:
5 inches long! More than 3.5 ounces! The size of your open hand. Aww imagine holding my baby in your open hand. Soo sweet :)Baby is creating cute baby fat! Baby is certainly listening to Uma now and us and really any loud noise. The eyes are in place and making side to side movements and can perceive some light! And baby is developing fingerprints also!

Doctor Appointment:
Fabulous love hearing the heartbeat. So cute. Sounded fast. I failed to ask him what it read but sounded quick. Also measured me. Also failed to ask about that! Ha, I'm a horrible mother this week. The baby did not move when listening :( Must have been sleeping. He did say that the intelligender test was crap. LOL. Told me to try the Drano test! He swears by it that is it 100% accurate! Haha. Debbie, Johns mom, the ob nurse laughed at him, apparently it's highly inaccurate! I think we'll just wait till November :) We set up our next doctor appointment. It's a 1 hour in-depth exploration of every part of the baby! How cool will that be! Can't wait to see what it looks like! That is definitely something we look forward to! He also said I should feel the baby within the next month. Good! Can't wait!

1. Getting bigger!!!
2. wooohooo
3. I talked to Uma about the fetus, she's totally cool with it. I mean look her. Coolness.

Your Favorite Family of Four
J, K, Fetus, and Uma

Monday, May 17, 2010

15 Weeks!

FYI: That lovely model with the long, slender legs. . .is me. Not my mom. I know, I know, that was back in my day ya know. Before I shrank down to 5'3... Believe me.

Feeling much better. I am truly trying to listen to myself and compromise with the fetus on stuffing my face. I mean sure a couple times a week I listen to my eyes and not the fetus but always regret it. The best news is that I no longer have to get up and immediately eat in the morning! I can shower, watch tv, or even make some fabulous meal that takes time! Sounds stupid but this is definitely a new step with the pregnancy that I am so thankful for! And maybe I'm just lazy. Maybe I have more energy. I know I do more so than those first few weeks (8-10) where I couldn't keep my eyes open. . . but still not feeling the urge to get stuff done, run, get up early etc. Pre-fetus, embryo, and zygote, I used to get up on the weekend at 7 am (my choice for fun) on the weekend to get stuff done, drink my coffee, watch the TodayShow, etc. Now John and I switch off days we have to get up early. Sometimes I get up at 7 and then sleep on the couch till 8. So I'm contemplating whether it really is the fetus or just me being lazy. Ugh. Getting nervous about this 16 week weigh in though. Maybe that'll motivate me to get moving. Doctor: "and Kate you have gained 8 pounds in the last 4 weeks..." AHHH. I should only b up 2-5 lbs according to the books. I love the books :) I haven't gained 8...that I know of. Doctor soon though! I'll let you know!

Had quite a day last week. As you know, went "maternity shopping" for new bras. Well the A's were just too small!!!!! (Ahhh re-read that and jump for joy with me!!!) So I went to exchange two bras to get B's...well that same morning, had a great morning. Woke up and had an anniversary party to attend (congrats again Jim and Kathy!) but to my surprise, I felt great when I woke up. So I went into my jean draw and find 4 pairs of jeans. Tight 4 months ago before fetus arrived but thought oh I'll try it. Put on my size 2 jeans, you know, the ones I had from high school with the holes in the knees...really in style 5 years ago. Well I happen to fit into them! I was so happy and excited. Wore them to the party. Wore them to exchange my bras. The lady in front of me turned around and snottily said, "Bet you overpaid for those." What else could I say?! I looked at her and snottily said back "Hey I'm 4 months pregnant and these are my high school jeans from 6 years ago so yea, I think I got my moneys worth...and I look good." Take that lady! Ugh. Those people make me mad. Who cares what you wear? Only the person wearing should care.

24 Weeks left! Almost half way there...just amazes me.

Baby Update:
Fetus is now a whopping three to five ounces and four to five inches in length! This week, our baby can hear!!! He can hear me talking to everyone, singing in the car, and any other sound that comes out of me! Fabulous I say! Baby's eyes are working also.

Weight: 108lbs.
Symptoms: :) Ohhh the headaches. :) Fetus has been craving fruit!

1. Flowers! Aren't they pretty! I have to say I have quite a green thumb, the rain and miaclegrow have little to do with them...
2. UMA! I should be a photographer
3.-5. I look fat!!! AHHH

Boy: Aloysius John
Girl: Stella Kate

Your Favorite Family of Four
J,K,Fetus, and Uma

Monday, May 10, 2010

Ode to the Black Pants!

The Story:

Sooo one day, my lovely mom, Candice, decided she wanted to work out. Well mom's workout routine is quite simple, you know, on one day, off 50, on after that, off 30, etc. I mean I don't blame her, she looks great. Mom, there is no need for you to workout!! But my dad, the highly supportive husband and father he is, encouraged this minute-like idea and sought out to buy the best workout attire around!! Slimming black athletic pants for about 90 dollars and a nice tank top yoga top. Man I bet she look good in them if she ever wore them...

So one day, I mentioned I needed a pair of black athletic pants for whatever reason. Well, being the loving mom she is, she runs upstairs to bring her new yoga outfit tags attached. How great! She tells me to take them and try then on! What do I do? . . . take them and try them on and love them. I work out in the them, lounge in them, and more noticably, take my weekly updates in these pants! Great pregnancy pants. They are stretchy and make my butt look fabulous!! And honestly, you know you are highly jealous of me in them. I look great. I know. But my mom decides one that that she wants them back! What?! Here's where it gets juicy. . .she told me she'd buy me a pair for my birthday in June...then decides their too expensive for that. Or if she does buy me them, she still wants the pair I wear back. Now mom, why wouldn't you want the new pair? I have these all pregnancy streteched out :) Just kidding. But really? The latest is that my dad will buy me a pair from Target. How long will that last? I'll tell ya, probably only until the 20th week. I mean how adorable is it that I wear the same pants weekly. Ugh. So I have nothing more I can do but not wear underwear when I wear those pants to my house in hopes that she then won't strip them off me. Ode to the Black Pants!

I mean see, can't you see my belly already! Haha, just kidding, not me obviously. That is my mom modeling. Haha, just kidding again, although she may look like that if I gave them back to her to workout in. . . LOL.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Just had to add this:

Favorite part of yesterday:

So after my half day, I ran to John's grandparents house (they just moved from the lake)to just say hi and check out the new daycare I mean home. Well we're sitting outside enjoying the weather talking about whatever and Grandma says, "Well I know where the baby is showing. . ." Then points to her boobs. HAHA. Glad to know Grandma recognizes the small things (now bigger) with the pregnancy :) I couldn't help but laugh and then agree! Very cute.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

13 Weeks

Hey Favorite Fans, bad news, due to the heavy amount of FINALS and presentations, and papers, I was not able to update the 13 week update. My deepest sympathies. I promise to make 14 weeks fantastic being that I will be done with another semester! Thanks for your understanding.

Fetus carrier.

Monday, May 3, 2010

SECOND TRIMESTER!! 13 Weeks/14 Weeks


Sooo, according to the books and everyone, I should be feeling better, have more energy and glow glow glow. . .right? Ugh. I hate to complain (ok, I enjoy it a little bit), but I still feel pretty awful at times, have no energy (bed time is 9:30pm still), but my pregnancy acne is getting better (just jinxed it)! And besides that, I can't suck in and have my stomach be flat. So here I am in this awkward middle stage. There is no cute, firm belly to look at, but rather I look like I ate one to many chocolate bars (maybe I did...). Becky compared this to being a middle schooler. You know, that awkward stage of life. Well I welcome this awkward stage of my pregnancy. Just hope it passes fast!

Lesson Learned. . .
I am carrying a picky fetus. Ever since early on, maybe 7 weeks, if I eat one bite too many or smell something that looks good to me but the fetus doesn't think he or she needs it-- result is disaster. I wake up in the morning, get my bowl of cereal, and can sometimes take a first bite and get this feeling that runs all throughout my body "don't eat this, you don't want to do it." It's awful. But do I listen to this? Of course not, I mean come on fetus, I know best. I'm your mother. I know I need breakfast for energy and to make you grow strong and big so trust me on this choice! But. . .the fetus battles. I will get down to my last bite, then look at it, and feel absolutely disgusted. My stomach grows inches in seconds, my body feels like it just consumed a pony or sometimes a small horse, and then, my entire day is changed. It's awful. This really leads me to think we're having a girl. I mean what boy would complain that I eat too much/often, that cereal isn't good, and want me to feel fat? Right, exactly... not a boy. Boys are sweet, love anything to do with food in general, and I'd imagine would prefer to have a good looking thin mom than fat. Ugh. The fetus wins, yet again.

Funny thing during 13 Week: IT's A BOY!
So I read this thing on-line that there is a gender predictor test at store nearby. So who goes out and buys it immediately? John and I. My thought was, "Oh John wouldn't it be awesome to poke fun at this gender test?" I mean really, how can morning pee mixed with sparkles tell you the gender of your baby? But that is what the box says! As early as ten weeks! So we did this to have fun. It'll be even more fun to see if this is accurate when the baby arrives. We are still NOT finding out via the sonogram at 20 weeks. And the box does not suggest you go out and buy according to what the result reads! So don't take this literally and go buy blue/pink clothes...just laugh and be excited to find out in 6 months! But green meant boy and yellow (unchanged pee) meant girl. It's a BOY! We think...or girl. It was actually sorta hard to read. This test had numerous precautions like read at eye level, put white paper down on it, etc. All of which we really didn't follow. haha. Well, then looking down at the test results, it was green, but then looking at eye level, you could still see then hermaphrodite? Just kidding! I suppose we'll choose boy for now.

Well I just researched the results and apparently, if your result reads girl-it is more than likely more accurate than if the result reads boy. This is why: the test measures the amount of testosterone in your urine. If you get a boy result, it could be because you are having or a boy OR it could come back boy because some women have more testosterone in their systems that the test picks up. Therefore, the test is more so accurate if it reads girl than if it reads boy. If the test reads boy, it could truly be either. Hmm...odd. Well I guess we're back to it's a baby! Lol. We simply did this to have fun regardless. Not to truly find out. So back to my instincts the way it should be! :) Also, the picture of the results is a bit off...I didn't take the picture exactly eye level how it should have been. But I assure you, it was yellow and green. Ugh.

Well what else is new:
OH the best part (for you). . . 14 weeks (so I can tell people 15 muah ah ah). I can no longer suck in and keep a nice flat stomach. You know, everyone naturally sucks in so don't act like you don't! But man, it's really a strange feeling! Good feeling and I'm glad pregnancy is a slow progress or rather the belly rounding/popping out is slow. But my fetus is strange. I'll wake up in the morning and my fetus must be hiding/sleeping closer to my back...then come out to play by my belly button the second I feed him/her. Then it's like "Oh here I am, you can't suck in anymore haha." Granted don't get too excited, it's not like I actually "look pregnant". . . I look more so like I dunno I had a big lunch. John claims there is no bump. Ha.

25 weeks left!

Baby Update:
Fetus is now about the size of an orange! Four and a half inches long and weighs a bit over two ounces! Ears have migrated to the sides of her head and eyes are moving to the front of her face! She can now wiggle her fingers and toes and make breathing movements in preparation for life outside of me! I read that you can feel the baby from 14-22 weeks. Or on average that when you first feel it. More so around weeks 18ish. Can't wait for that.

Weights: 108 according to my scale. We go to doctor in 2 weeks, well find out real numbers then! I'm feeling as though I put on a pound or two...
Symptoms: I can't say I have any symptoms really. Same old you know. It's still day to day with what I feel and how I feel! Living with it. But I will say, just last week, I can get up and shower and do whatever without feeling awful because I didn't eat immediately! Woohoo.

1. Let me see that BUMP!!
2. Close up. It's there! Growing. Ugh.
3. Love it.
4. Viola! This is what our capsule of pee and sparkles turned out to be. Looks more green in this picture.
5. Uma dog. Completely destroyed her Frisbee and now it's a necklace.
6. What our nursery will look like! Identical. Okay, maybe not identical, we don't have those awesome curves in our wall but pretty much like this. Debating whether to get white or wood crib...

Boy: Aloysius John Meyer
Girl: We have decided on a girl name! Finally (not that we don't have time). More so, I have persuaded John that this is the perfect name if we have a girl...Stella. Ends up there's some history behind it. It was my great grandmas name and my grandmas baby sisters name. There ya go!

And finally! Going maternity shopping tomorrow! Not for what you want to hear, pants, shirts, etc. Those fit great, but rather new bras! I love maternity shopping!!
Till next time!
Your Favorite Family of Four
J, K, Fetus and Uma