Monday, May 17, 2010

15 Weeks!

FYI: That lovely model with the long, slender legs. . .is me. Not my mom. I know, I know, that was back in my day ya know. Before I shrank down to 5'3... Believe me.

Feeling much better. I am truly trying to listen to myself and compromise with the fetus on stuffing my face. I mean sure a couple times a week I listen to my eyes and not the fetus but always regret it. The best news is that I no longer have to get up and immediately eat in the morning! I can shower, watch tv, or even make some fabulous meal that takes time! Sounds stupid but this is definitely a new step with the pregnancy that I am so thankful for! And maybe I'm just lazy. Maybe I have more energy. I know I do more so than those first few weeks (8-10) where I couldn't keep my eyes open. . . but still not feeling the urge to get stuff done, run, get up early etc. Pre-fetus, embryo, and zygote, I used to get up on the weekend at 7 am (my choice for fun) on the weekend to get stuff done, drink my coffee, watch the TodayShow, etc. Now John and I switch off days we have to get up early. Sometimes I get up at 7 and then sleep on the couch till 8. So I'm contemplating whether it really is the fetus or just me being lazy. Ugh. Getting nervous about this 16 week weigh in though. Maybe that'll motivate me to get moving. Doctor: "and Kate you have gained 8 pounds in the last 4 weeks..." AHHH. I should only b up 2-5 lbs according to the books. I love the books :) I haven't gained 8...that I know of. Doctor soon though! I'll let you know!

Had quite a day last week. As you know, went "maternity shopping" for new bras. Well the A's were just too small!!!!! (Ahhh re-read that and jump for joy with me!!!) So I went to exchange two bras to get B's...well that same morning, had a great morning. Woke up and had an anniversary party to attend (congrats again Jim and Kathy!) but to my surprise, I felt great when I woke up. So I went into my jean draw and find 4 pairs of jeans. Tight 4 months ago before fetus arrived but thought oh I'll try it. Put on my size 2 jeans, you know, the ones I had from high school with the holes in the knees...really in style 5 years ago. Well I happen to fit into them! I was so happy and excited. Wore them to the party. Wore them to exchange my bras. The lady in front of me turned around and snottily said, "Bet you overpaid for those." What else could I say?! I looked at her and snottily said back "Hey I'm 4 months pregnant and these are my high school jeans from 6 years ago so yea, I think I got my moneys worth...and I look good." Take that lady! Ugh. Those people make me mad. Who cares what you wear? Only the person wearing should care.

24 Weeks left! Almost half way there...just amazes me.

Baby Update:
Fetus is now a whopping three to five ounces and four to five inches in length! This week, our baby can hear!!! He can hear me talking to everyone, singing in the car, and any other sound that comes out of me! Fabulous I say! Baby's eyes are working also.

Weight: 108lbs.
Symptoms: :) Ohhh the headaches. :) Fetus has been craving fruit!

1. Flowers! Aren't they pretty! I have to say I have quite a green thumb, the rain and miaclegrow have little to do with them...
2. UMA! I should be a photographer
3.-5. I look fat!!! AHHH

Boy: Aloysius John
Girl: Stella Kate

Your Favorite Family of Four
J,K,Fetus, and Uma

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