Thursday, December 16, 2010

6 Weeks

Holy cow! Where has the time gone! I know, into shopping. Haha. I can't believe he's 6 weeks already (I know, I say this every week). Well, this week, Jude has become "shopping Jude!" Ha, John says I'm suppose to be a "stay at home mom" and STAY HOME but Jude insists on shopping Jude! And how can I tell him no? I mean, someone has to get this Christmas shopping done! And he's SO great at shopping. Wakes up enough to eat a little, rejuvenate himself, then more shopping! I swear we have the best baby. Just goes with the flow. Good thing he's like John and not me. Also, Uma is slightly obsessed with Christmas music. She asks me to play it for her while we're gone, I can't help but give in. Speaking of Uma, she has rebelled. Once Jude was born, we let her sleep in our room on the floor, but when I go to feed Jude, she runs out and destroys things: pacifiers, wrapped Christmas presents, etc. So now, Uma is forced in her cage at night again :( Maybe with the second child she'll learn she just can't destroy the house at 2 am, because I walk in the kitchen at that time, and get extremely mad then can't go back to sleep. Ugh. She'll figure it out...

Well I have MY 6 week checkup this week. Not that it is about me anymore but hoping that goes good and I can resume (or start rather) my running! I'm thinking about documenting my workouts on here. I'm thinking if I do that, I'll be more inclined to workout. HA. You know, with all my fans reading this, I'll feel fat and guilty if I don't keep up. May work. Or not. We'll see.

Favorites: Our baby is SO happy. Smiles all day long now :) Soo sweet. The other day, I was so tired. I just let him sleep on me for a few hours. I couldn't resist. I figured I won't be able to do this long so why not? We took about a 2 hour long nap. It was great. Cherish those times!

Funnies of the week: Hmm, let's see, well honestly, not much funny stuff has happened this week. He's been great. No major blowouts, etc. Great week. Keep up the good work Jude.

What we have learned: We have learned that Uma is highly jealous. I feel so bad. I will be in a room talking my baby talk to Jude, then Uma will run excited (used to be her baby talk), see that my baby talk is toward Jude, then just put her tail down. It's so sad. I try to talk to her but I know it's not the same for her. She's still adjusting ;/ Poor dog.

Side note: My JINX of last week....well didn't jinx!!!!!! Jude has strangely transformed his sleeping habits over night and I get up ONCE a night. Generally around 4 am and that is it. I did not jinx myself! Crazy. I mean really, what 4 week old gives you 5-7 hours of solid sleep, eats in about 8 minutes, then lays down and falls right back to sleep? I'll tell you, mine! Thank goodness he's like John and loves his sleep. Speaking of sleep....John has volunteered to get up with Jude this Saturday morning. (Okay, he didn't volunteer, I'm making him). It just sounds so nice to sleep past 7.

How I will JINX myself this week: Well, all this talk of a great baby, it's bound to be shot back at me, right? I mean, I'm sure this week he'll be colicky and I'll go crazy. I'll keep you posted.

My 6 week old cutie!

Thank you Reardon's for my SWEET moose outfit! I'm styling now :)

We can not have tummy time with Uma dog being so involved.

Thank you Nana, LOVE my new swing. See I'm smiling!

THIS is how big I am everyone.

Psh, don't know what my mom is talking about, I've been working out, look at this!

Alright, alright, I can see why they call me CHEEKS now! Ha!

I'm a happy boy!

"Shopping Jude" she calls me. I've really got to get a new nickname...

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