Thursday, December 9, 2010

5 Weeks

Ahh, my baby is getting SO big!

Doctor Appt Update: Jude weighs 9 pounds even now! His pediatrician was very pleased! He thinks he's catching up from being on the smaller side inside. Ha. Jude is 20 3/4 inches long (grew an inch). He is in the 25th-27th percentile for everything. But is doing great! I asked the doctor about a red spot on the back of his head, big birth mark! Better there than anywhere else really! Until he's an old man. . . bald! Ha. Oh well.

On a side note, it's sad to me. The Doctor updates are no longer about me :( Lol. It's all about Jude now! Funny to update his doctor appointments!

We had a very busy week! Shopping, shopping, shopping! Gotta get those Christmas presents bought! Thank goodness he's still little and just sleeps the whole time! Jude had his Baptism on Sunday, December 5 and did a great job! No cries at all! He was a sweetie! Don't worry, that will be the majority of the pictures this week!

Favorites of Week 5: We love each other more each day (If that's possible)! He smiles one more time each day making TONS of smiles for mommy. It's the cutest smile too! Croaked sometimes. Melts my heart everytime. I still get teary-eyed sometimes! Jude was also spoiled rotten by Auntie D and all his other family members for that matter! Such a great week really.

Funnies of this Week: Major blowouts multiple times! Makes me sad because of course, he was wearing MY favorite Mizzou onsie :( I mean, if you have kids you know, it's nearly impossible to get that yellow stain out! Ruined. And, not to mention that he did this at Umsl. Last class and he blows it out! HA. Speaking of that, another class done, another A, successful semester. It's amazing, I had my first baby, only missed two classes (out of 16), and got a perfect 100% in the class. Luckily, the professor was great with me missing those two classes! Who said doing class and having a baby would be hard. Piece of cake. Okay, well the hard part was leaving him to go to class...

What we have learned this Week: We have a great baby. Really. I mean we can't compare him to our other children, because we don't have any...but I can compare him to others I know. He's fabulous. He reminds everyone of John! Funny, the last class on Monday, my professor said "He is just so laid back like you Kate." Well, I took my friend Natasha to class to watch him and when my professor said this, we both stared at eachother, laughed, and said, "No, he's like my husband John." Ha, me, laid back? Well that was nice of her.

How will I JINX myself this week: Okay, so I hate to brag, but here goes! This week Jude's sleep schedule has been amazing! I mean truly awesome. Here are the last 5 days:
night one: 5 hours straight
night two: 5 hours straight
night three: 4 hours straight
night four: 5 hours straight
night five: 7 hours straight (right that is not a typo-Jude slept from 9:30-4:45!!!!)
I can only hope he keeps this up and it's not a growth spurt or fluke! I was pleased with 4 hours straight, so when I get anything more, I wake up every 30 minutes to look at the clock and make sure I don't hear him. Nope, never, he's been a great sleeper :0 So that's how I'll jinx myself this week :) See you great nights sleep! Lol.

Pictures! Enjoy my cutie-pie!

Mall walking cutie pies!

Catching some Zzz's with Dad!

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