Tuesday, November 30, 2010

4 Weeks!

Oh how the time flies. Every Thursday I think, "WOW X weeks ago..." Then I think about what happened. He's really getting so big in our eyes. Especially when other people hold him. He's huge! But so sweet. He had a great 4th week :) Went and saw Santa! He asked for more chocolate-flavored milk, I asked for a bit more sleep :) All went great! He had his first photo shoot! I have only seen a few of the pictures but they are adorable from what she posted :) I can't wait to see all of them! I'll try and post some on here! Don't' worry you'll know which ones they are! Mine are not that good.

Jude has his one month doctors check-up Friday. I can't wait to see how he's grown! I'm thinking he's a bit over 8 pounds now :(

Favorites of this week: He loves me. I pick him up in the morning and talk to him and he just stares. I'll throw away his diaper in the closet and he'll move his head back to follow me. And I swear Wednesday morning while I was talking to him, he smiled at me. Well I guess that's believe-able but whether it was purposeful or not I'm unsure. I like to think he did that purposefully though :0 I've decided it's not gas (or anything else) but LOVE and purposeful! I have now walked in his room 3 different mornings to a big baby smile! He may not smile tomorrow morning though because I started crying. Ha. The sweetest thing. Sooo cute. It's mutual now, he loves me, I love him. Life is good.

Funnies of Week 4: I have realized just how awesome having a stroller is!!! Becky and I met at Chesterfield Mall, Jude's first of hundreds of mall trips with Becky and I, and man, that silly stroller is amazing. Not only does it carry your baby, but purses, papers, candy, drinks, bags, anything we received we just found a spot for it on the stroller. Everyone should have a stroller! And don't worry, Jude slept nearly the entire time so I had both shades up and he was pretty much non-existent in there! We went to see Santa early so no little kids would be there! It was great.

What we learned in Week 4: I'm learning something everyday about Jude. At night I thought he had a fussy time, but really I think now, I've learned that he's just over-stimulated and over tired. So now I know what to do! I've learned that he almost religiously eats every 2 hours during the day. He'll wake up from a dead sleep ready to eat. He must have an alarm clock set in there to tell him-"hey it's 11 (food), it's 1, it's 3..." But I don't blame him! I eat fantastic food that he must love :) Ha. I've also learned that I can give him a few more minutes in the middle of the night, and he may go back to sleep instead of getting up! This has only happened about 2-3 times but hey, worth a try! He can lift each eyebrow individually! I mean what a cool kid we have! I have most importantly learned to not think about each night and whether he'll give me 3 hours, 4 hours, be up early, etc. I do however, get excited when I get a 4 hour block of sleep :) I think have established a bed time around 10-10:30 also. Phew. I'd like it a bit earlier, but it's working for us for now! Granted we start winding down for bed around 7. Ha.

Photos!!! He's just so darn cute. It was really hard to only pick 5, so I picked more than 5 :)

Great hair isn't it! He got a bath today so it spikes up!

Ahh, wish this wasn't sideways, but him and cousin Joey just being boys.

Cousin Claire holding Jude, uninterested in touching him though :)

Uma loves Jude.

He's hoping to be big and strong...like mommy!

Happy baby!

Your Favorite Family of Four

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