Wednesday, November 3, 2010

39 Weeks! 7 days!

7 days! Or sooner. I was really debating what to do with this update. Or rather to do it or not.

It all started Nov 2. I had light cramping with my braxton hicks. Nothing consistent but defiantly more painful. I only had a few also. Well this morning Nov 3rd at 2 a.m. I woke up to stronger contractions. They started about 8-9 minutes apart and kept me up! I peed every half hour which I think helped make them stronger. Then they got to 7-8 minutes apart, then 6-5, then 5-6. It was crazy. Some were extremely painful where I actually did my breathing techniques LOL...and others not so bad. BUT, because I didn't sleep from about 2-7 a.m., I got up around 8 when they sorta trailed off :( I know! What is going on! So then I tried to relax and slept on the couch for a few hours. I still have some but they are NOT as strong as they were last night or consistent :( I will keep you posted but you get the picture. Soon? Later? I have no idea. I'm such a first timer it's sad. Still have a doctor's appointment tomorrow at 8 a.m. so if we make it until then, maybe he will say "Well, wow you are in active labor, you must be great at handling pain..." HA yea right huh? Or he'll say "Yea, no, no change you are the same, those were minor, no baby soon" Ha. I will keep you informed followers! As for now, just dealing with minor contractions and resting :)

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