Sunday, October 31, 2010

38 Week doc appt update

Sorry this is late. Rough week/end. Anyways, no real change from last week! Fetus is growing nicely!! From 33-34cm! Doctor was shocked and quite happy! NO idea when labor will hit. He did give us his pager number...then John and I walked out and were both wondering what to do with it. Ha. Hopefully baby won't come till next week when we can clarify this with him! Simple stuff. So back to our appointments Thursday! Woohooo.

I know what the worst thing is...having a cold and being due in 10 days. Yep. WOW, does it hit hard and fast. I felt AWFUL from Wed-Sundayish. Been sleeping, sitting on the couch mainly. Pathetic. I have to get rid of this ASAP! So that's what I have been doing :( I keep thinking about the things I should be doing--very hard to make myself do nothing. I know I need to though, and it is nice. Uma is a great cuddler for now. So with this, we did not do the last painting :( Really I felt like death. I could have just walked around and scared people in my natural state. I wonder if I'll look like that for labor and delivery ha.

10 days. Crazy to think. Every night I wake and think what was that!?! It's funny. I just have it set in my mind that something will happen in the nighttime. I completly disregard day things. Haha. Funny. Well I'll keep you posted :)

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