Wednesday, October 20, 2010

37 Weeks-Full Term!!!

Ahh 37 weeks! How many more days? Not that I'm counting :) But really 22? 21? Sooner? More? Oh what a great last week we had!

First and foremost, grass cutting!!! I got a bit emotional the other day. John mentioned the last time I cut it (36 w-last week) could have potentially been the LAST time of the season! WHAT?! I LOVE cutting our grass. Me and Elton (John) have the best time. I mean honestly, I'm just not ready to end my adventures of the season. I wish grass grew and could be cut weekly-forever (I'm sure this attitude will change). But as of now, I LOVE it. The breeze, nice weather, Elton, Uma, smell, look of fresh cut grass. Sigh, I am really sad the season may be over. I'd love just one last good cut. Maybe! Hopefully! We'll see! So here I am at 37 weeks getting one good "last" cut in, unless I can manage to do it once more! So mom, yes, I made it the entire season and with an extra 17 lbs to lug around!

I mean, fetus generally enjoys it too. He wakes up, gives me some swift kicks, then goes back to bed. I can only imagine me with one of those baby carrier things in front cutting the grass next season! Ha, just kidding. Regardless of gender (but it's a boy), by the next season, he will be trained at 5 months to do this job so I can stop entirely and enjoy my lemonade under the shade:)

Let me talk about symptoms for a few. Haven't done this for awhile. Recently, fetus has been quite picky! I CAN NOT eat crap. Fetus gets very irritable and causes some sickness and heartburn (fire-vomit burps). However, I will say, the heartburn has let up a great deal! I plan to ask my doctor whether it's an old wives tale that a lot of heartburn means full head of hair or not! I haven't quite figured out what triggers this, but I can say if I eat something greasy and delicious the fetus gets mad. I have yet to lose a salad, carrots, all that good stuff :) HA. So although I do want to go to Mandarin Garden with you, I may need to refrain for awhile. This generally occurs at night. Ugh. So once I deliver. . .will someone bring me SPICY orange chicken from Mandarin Garden? Great that's settled. What else? Oh if I clean the house and bend over, mop, sweep, etc, I have GREAT deal of butt/back pain. Excuse to not clean? Nah. I actually gave in and took tylenol last night. WOW. Why have I been telling myself no drugs? The tylenol knocked out the pain instantly and I could sleep. OH sleep. Another thing. Every-time I move from my right side to the left, which generally occurs every 20 minutes, I find myself hurting and moaning. Ha it's quite funny. I don't intentionally do it. It's funny though. Getting hard to put on pants with ease also. Sad. I finally really feel, well pregnant. :) But you know, I know all this will end here shortly. Then it'll be something else. As much as I hate it, I know it's not's the fetus which makes me happy. Crazy little fetus!

Fat days! Do you ever have fat days? Oh quit lying to yourself! Well after not gaining a pound for the last two weeks or what not, John and I had a fabulous fat day the other night!! I was craving great fries. I don't mean those thick potato like wedge fries, but rather, the thin, hot, crispy, delicious, can't get enough of them in your mouth fast enough FRIES. So after debating, we came to the conclusion that although McDonald's can be all that satisfying, you just don't know whether you'll get a good, hot, fresh batch, or old, limp batch. Plus, we didn't want to eat anything else there. Then there's Burger King. Although also good, the BK is across the highway and we were lazy. Too far. We decided to go with Arbys because of the variety: curly, waffle, or regular. To our surprise we pulled in and read the sign "Friday October 15-FREE small waffle fries." I mean if this wasn't a sign, I don't know what would have been! We enjoyed our FREE waffle fries (which did satisfy the following: hot, crispy, and delicious)and I got a french dip (just okay). But wait!!!! We were right next to Schnucks! DONUTS. I LOVE donuts. I tend to only eat them at my parents house though. I mean if I bought them, I'm not sure I could have that self-control to only have one. (Ha, so this pretty much reads: I can't buy just one...)Sooo, off we went to Schnucks where I found a delicious chocolate long john with m&ms on top. BEST donut ever! John enjoyed some cinnamon donut. OH NO! There just so happens to be a Dierbergs down the way. Do we stop? Of course we stop. I bought two individual pieces (I guess I have some self-control-I did not buy the entire thing) of brownie gooey butter cake. Ahhhh. (Mouth salivating as we speak). So naturally, I ate the donut before arriving in our driveway and tried to force down the brownie gooey butter cake pieces but could only get a few pieces in :) But that was our fat day! A whole paragraph on indulging on food :) I wonder what type of weight gain I will have this week....

I know, I know, there are NO m&ms on this chocolate long john, if it would have made the car ride home, I would have taken a picture of the deliciousness but this will one due for now. WOW, I really want to make something sweet now: apple pie, cookies, something! Ugh. I think my sweet tooth is out of control. "Hi, I'm Kate." (Hi Kate) "I have an addiction. . . If it has sugar I must eat it even if it tastes just ok."

You may be thinking "Did I miss something? I thought the fetus did not like this crappy food..." Well you are ABSOLUTELY correct. You can imagine how the night unfolded :/ But it was almost worth it.

Oh my. Well, did you enjoy the skeleton? A little creepy but we are getting closer to Halloween. Hints the "actual" Halloween paintings. THIS JUST CAME IN-DAIRY QUEEN HAS A PUMPKIN PIE MINI BLIZZARD! You know where we'll be tonight! YUM! But to continue, we're getting pretty anxious now. With only a few weeks and days left (20 is a few to us)we can't wait. Ready for something new. I mean, 9-10 months of this is a lot. I only hope it's worth the next 18 yrs. HA.

Baby Update:
Close to 7 pounds now and 21 inches long! Once again, mine is most likely short and small. Baby swallows that amniotic fluid (which tastes sweet like chocolate long johns duh) and some of it winds up in his/her intestines where it-along with other shed cells, bile, and other waste products-will turn into our baby's first bowel movement! NOT IT JOHN! HA, I called it! Lungs are maturing more and that's about it. Fetus is STILL moving like crazy, taking my breathe away, and driving me nuts! Hiccups are still in the butt! I told my doctor I need to be fatter so that I don't feel these kicks b/c they hurt bad now!!!! Psh, decrease in movement. Yea maybe in me but NOT in fetus :)

Thank you mom! Not sure if she felt bad for me or thinks I need to buy more pants. . .but I got new yoga pants this weekend! Look at that adorable band!! Aren't they awesome! I even wore a different colored shirt (not gray) just for her :) I love them! Now I have two and can do laundry every other day, not daily! Woohooo. Oh and notice the hair? Labor hair cut! What do you think? Cute eh! Ha.

Well Becky is coming into town for the next TWO WEEKS! We plan to walk our way (my way not hers) to labor! Wish me luck!

Your Favorite Fam of Four
J,K,Fetus, and Umadog

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