Wednesday, October 13, 2010

36 Weeks

The 36th week. Wait no, the 37th but remembering the 36. Ahh yes. Last week was once again pretty uneventful. I mean the typical things occurred. Fetus kicking, using me as basketball court or something, and growing bigger. Baking longer. Doctor tomorrow again. I enjoy those appointments. Even though, usually not much has changed or happened, it's still the anticipation that something COULD have changed :) Ha.

Going grocery shopping again today. Out of Uma food. Hopefully, fetus will let me do the shopping! I've gone back to craving the bubbly. So I may have to buy something bubbly. I'm thinking soda not alcohol haha.

John and I will successfully finish ALL of our Lamaze classes tonight! I'm so proud. Usually we fail out, but we stuck with it and will now most likely be destined to a C-section ha!

Other than stomach is getting sensitive again. I can not eat all the crap I want. Sad day! Also those lovely braxton hicks have truly picked up in frequency and intensity. They are no longer just that hard, firm feeling but rather hard, firm, long, discomforting, almost painful at times. But nothing we can't deal with...yet:)

Baby Update:
Only 3 more weeks to go! Now that I'm in the 37th week, my pregnancy is technically considered full-term. Baby is about 6.5 lbs. (But I'm thinking mine is a tad smaller). I can expect weight gain to be about half an ounce per day. Boys though, are likely to be heavier at birth than girls. And moms carrying boys tend to eat more than moms carrying girls-I LOVE food this trimester. BOY! Well that's it for baby really. Not to say that is not enough! Grow baby, grow!

Here's your photos of the week! FRAAAAAAAN. Fran made the blog. We dog sat Franster this weekend only to find that her and Uma are now best friends :)

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