Wednesday, October 27, 2010

38 Weeks-14 days left...

Look closely!!! This was suppose to be our "4th October Painting" but I didn't really turn out. Actually it did, just not on camera :( It's a pumpkin with a glow in the dark face! Can you see it?!

Our pumpkins of 2010 that are now rotten. John was right, too early. But aren't they cute! John did the witch, me the pregnant lady :)

Uma wanted to be involved. Which was a good thing. I tend to be better with carving the more I do. I did this one first...

I like to think 14 days or less. We will see I suppose! No signs of nothing though :( I guess I could be one of those people that don't really "build up" to labor but it just BOOM, hits ya. Either way is fine. I may prefer the latter though! :)

Well, I was trying to recap the week and nothing real important came to mind. Granted, nothing is ever real important. BUT, Becky and I have been having a good time doing nothing :) Ahh, fat days. I decided that no pregnant person really cares what they eat in the last two weeks(or longer for many). Soooo I have taken on this approproach. I know, awful. But really, if food is the one thing I enjoy, why not. Nah, I didn't induldge in more donuts...but now I'm thinking about them. Yummm.

Well really, besides the baby update, I have nothing. Boring I know. In fact, we are just that, boring, lazy. John and I did the 4th painting last night but will add it to this update. Totally unimpressed. Just didn't work like we wanted it to. We can't win them all! We're debating whether to go out with a bang for the last one. I think we need to. We need to do it for the fetus. Okay, no really, I just have this great idea and figure, when will ever get a round belly to do this too again!? Soooo hopefully I can convince him!

Baby Update:
IS COMPLETELY BAKED AND READY TO COME :) Ha. Baby's weight and height have only increased a little from last week apparently. But I was told it will gain a 1/2 pound weekly. Baby's skin has now finally changed from pink to white! Can't wait to see it! That's all for the update. I am considering doing like a 7-birthday countdown. You know, tracking my daily changes, nerves, etc. Could be highly entertaining and rewarding to read later. We will see just how bored I am and how much free time I have :) I mean, I have important things to do to Uma, catch up on "I didn't know I was pregnant", laundry, maybe one last grass cutting, making cookies...doesn't that sound yummy!

I don't know if I ever added this, but John and I have been alcohol free for nearly 10 months now :) Yes, that's right. I asked my loving husband if he'd want to do it with me because hey it's only fair. I carry his child for 10 months, suffer, get fat, etc...the least he could do is give up beer. He did! We are truly thinking about what we want for our first drink. Beer, martini, John's fancy drink, etc. Ahh, SOON! This is not to say we were huge drinkers to begin with! In fact, it's been really easy for the last 10 months for both of us. I'm debating whether to quit it forever...why not!? Ha, I may be needing a good cold beer though after some of these days to come.

I'm off!

Your Favorite Family of Four

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