Wednesday, October 6, 2010

35-Thirty Five- Weeks

She enjoys this weather sooo much :)

Wooohoooo! The big 3-5! 14 more days until considered "full term" and 35 days left until the actually due date! Come on November!

Well, my cravings have picked up. You know how in the first trimester you may have these weird cravings, etc. Well, I never really experienced that until now. The fetus and I ran to Dierbergs for a few things (milk, turkey, crackers, etc) and I did not realize what I bought until I got home! Out of the bag came:

*laughing cow cheese-swiss
*honey nut rice cakes
*hard boiled eggs ready to eat (can I even eat these??)
*pumpkin spice cream cheese with bagels (I think fetus is on a "autumn" kick also)*chips with NO salt added (okay honestly, we usually buy these chips, so not so out of the ordinary)
*strawberry jam (I don't even like ANY jam)
*carrots cut in wedge form (???)
*cajun turkey (poor John, I didn't even just buy normal turkey)!

And some other random things. So what did I eat for lunch?? Rice cake with laughing cow cheese (delicious), a hard boiled egg, and bagel with pumpkin spice cream cheese and I will say, the cream cheese is all name! Did not taste anything like pumpkin spice. Highly disappointing. And a peanut butter granola bar. Ahh it was TO DIE FOR!

Baby Update:
Well, baby is now or should be 6 pounds and 20 inches long! I may have a thin, shorty but whatever! Baby is pretty much done developing/growing. I mean it's running out of room really! And I will tell ya, last night, I fear my child went from went head down to head exploding out of my belly button! At 4:30am it woke up trying to escape (the wrong hole!) It was almost painful. I also had strange Braxton Hicks ALL night long! Every time I moved or touched my stomach it was a rock. Awful. There will be napping today!

Well I can thank the Cooks for my 5 pound weight gain this week. We went to Pi with them last night. . . SOOOO yummy. Never been there! I really should have taken a picture of the pizza. It was beautiful. John and I talked about it the entire way home too :) HA. I highly recommend it. Now, we want to go to all of them because each location makes different pizza! Yumm. Too bad there are NO leftovers.

Well, I'll let ya off easy this week. Not much to report other than the usual. Be looking for 2 updates: tomorrow doctors appt. and then our week two of painting the belly :)

Your favorite fam of four!
J,K,Fetus, Uma

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