Thursday, October 14, 2010

36 week doc appt update and nesting (pictures included)

Eh, same ol. Rather boring. Got there at 9. Was in room by 9:15. Blood pressure good, I guess she didn't tell me actually, weight the same (no gain, I know, odd), measured at 32 cm (again)...We set up an ultrasound for next week after my normal appt but may or not go through with it. He said we'll see where we stand. No worries. Other than that, not much has changed as mentioned. Crazy to think we could only be doing this for 3 more weeks then have a baby!

On a different note. I AM AGAINST NESTING. As you know, I have NOT been nesting by any means. I find it rather annoying to clean the house once a week actually. BUT, I try my best to "nest" because I want to! I'd love to have every draw clean and organized. So in my agenda I have a list of things to "nest" (do). For example, I have successfully completed the baby room, our bathroom, kitchen (today), and Uma's room (laundry room). This means deep cleaning (as you know). Well, then I got in a cleaning kick and got all excited! "OH MAN, this fake nesting is working, I AM NESTING!" I was thrilled. Then, it happened. I was scrubbing the tub with bleach, singly merrily, talking to Uma, finished, looked in the mirror and ~BOOM~ one (out of the 3) of my maternity shirts ruined due to bleach! What!?! Like I'm going to go buy another one! I mean I have potential 27 days left. UGH. So I hate nesting. No longer fake nesting. Too distraught from this experience! Thank goodness I didn't get anything on my yoga pants I wear daily! That would have really angered me! And it's not just a maternity shirt, it's my favorite colored one. You know, I have purple, white, and gray... well see ya gray! :( Nah, who am I kidding, I will be wearing this gray shirt with pink bleach spots on it until I die, or deliver.

I know what you're thinking, "That's it...not impressed. However, come on, whose laundry room is that organized?" And you know your Tupperware container draw does not look as nice as mine :)

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