Thursday, October 21, 2010

37 Week doc appt update

All is well! Baby is great. Still at 32.5 cm. Doctor says maybe that will just be my plateau! Who knows. I have gained one pound which is shocking considering what I eat!! HA. Then we went ahead and did the ultrasound to double check baby. Baby is weighing in at 5 pounds 10 ounces!!!! A lot bigger than everyone expected! Should hopefully gain 1.5 more pounds to put the little one right at 7 pounds. We will see in 20 days I guess! There is just NO room in there for baby. The tech said it is ALL baby everywhere! From bottom to ribs filling my belly! I told her yea I can feel that :) But other than that, successful, fast check up. We go back in a week...I'll keep all posted :)

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