Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April 19

Baby napping, thought I'd update ya on our life :)

Well, I think Jude has grown out of napping in his carseat. Isn't working out anymore. I suppose I'm okay with this. Kid prefers his bed. That's good!

Jude LOVES Uma now too. Not just Fran. Maybe it's all dogs.

Went to Olive Garden. We meet John and his work people. It was a "see-ya later John" lunch. Funny though, there were 3 babies. Jami has baby Riley, Rachel has Eli, and I of course have fatty. So funny, the waitress is looking at all the babies saying how cute they are, she looks at Jude and goes "Oh whose fatty is that!?!" Yep, I claim him. He's my fatty. I mean hanging with Riley and Eli. . . he looks like a giant. Lol. Riley (9 months) and Eli are so fit looking :) But anyways, it was good food, I think. I mean really, I recall why I don't eat out with Jude. There is no point. I never really get to eat much or truly savor the taste so it was good, I think. :)

Jude is sitting up on his own great now! All the time! Oh exciting, he even managed to help me cut the grass the other day. What a sight, I carried the jumperoo everywhere. Holy cow I hate that thing. It doesn't fit thru any doors! Ugh but he was great just watching me go up and down! I could have started something bad though. Now John will expect this every week :/

Other than that, not sure what else is new. John has an exciting upcoming week! Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Saturday (the end of his classes!). I think it went by fast, but I know he'll enjoy going to mass Saturday nights and not at 9 am Sunday morning. I'm already up though by that time, sometimes for hours before...I don't really mind :) Well see what works with us! Also, John starts his new job in Accounting on Friday. Exciting stuff. Hope it's everything he wants!

We go to the head doctor next Thursday. I think it does look a lot a better, but it is still flat. Anxious to see what the OP says. Well here are the pictures update!

Read the sign....LIQUID GOLD! You may be wondering what my count is up to now...Just over 900 ounces. I'm weaning the night pumping. Just sick of it. I think 900 will due.

My new FAVORITE picture of J man!

Loves Uma really.

Mom I finally found a hat I liked. At Carters (of course) size 12-24 months. Lol.

The only age it's okay to be fat and wear a sweater vest!

Yep I was a Charlie's angel...

We clean up nicely. We just don't chose to usually :)

Busy May ahead. 3 weddings all in May, Becky's shower, rehearsal, last paper due (even though I don't have to go class), and some other random stuff. We've decided to do a cheap mini-vacation in June. So we have to get through May then we're off in June to Gulf Shores. Got a good deal, decided to drive, well see if we ever go on vacation again after this :)

Your favorite family of four!

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