Friday, April 8, 2011


Happy Friday. I've been meaning to update but had a massive paper due last night. So you can figure out what consumed my time. Jude. Right. Not the paper. Little stinker. Ha. But I only have ONE more class next Thursday then another A, another $1,000 gone! Good times. Signed up for my LAST class at Umsl on Monday. How exciting. I can't believe in one year (Yikes that sounds long) I will never have to attend a class again, until I get bored and go back for something silly.

Cheeks is so big! He loves toys now! It's so cute! He also eats "dinner" nightly. Well I got to run but wanted to post the latest!

Look no hands! Only took me 5 months to figure this thing out!

Yea mon

I'm learning how to sit up!

One of my favorite toys!

Awesome big boy pajamas!

Who doesn't enjoy eating like this?

Go Cards!

Love cousin Elle!

Just chilling in the swing.

Cousin Joey!

Just my size!

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