Thursday, April 28, 2011

Short, fat, and NOT FLAT

I did it! Quick update, need to get to bed, yes at 8 pm. I have managed to reshape Jude's head!!! Thank goodness! Such a relief. I told John I saved us 1500 bucks so off I went to buy flowers Ha. But wow, I feel so much better. His head measurement went from a 7 down to a 3. I'm assuming a 0 is ideal. I'm not really sure about numbers or her system. Jude's number was a 91.4 or something. Before it was a 93. 5 or something. (the or something is after the decimal, not sure on that...) But she said they are looking for 90-91 and that's it. She was pleased, as was I! WOOHOO. We are going back for another check up in a month. So I suppose I have to do the same thing for another month which sucks! You'd be surprised by all I do really. It's quite awful. The kid is never on his back besides changing him. Even then, I do these crazy head exercises that he thinks are funny! HA. So here I am another month of reshaping :/

A real woman always keeps her house clean and organized, the laundry basket is always empty. She's always well dressed, hair done. She never swears, behaves gracefully in all situations and all circumstances. She has more than enough patience to take care of her family, always has a smile on her lips, and a kind word for everyone. I suspect that I might be a man.

So here's what we did the day we found out he does NOT need a helmet! And some extras!

He didn't even need the 100's of toys connected. I was enough entertainment!

This is how you fit a baby cold and flat head. At the same time!

Well someone would rather have me play with him then write currently. Cheers.

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