Friday, July 27, 2012

33 Weeks

33 weeks baked with Jude I was glowing! So adorable in my outfits, smiley, looking great.  This time around...I would say I'm  Ha.  BUT I have noticed a giant change since 30-31 weeks so that's a plus!!  No 2 is around 4 1/2 lbs and hey only 49 more days until my due date!  Maybe I'll be so lucky to go just a bit earlier....?

 Doctor appt went great.  31 cm at 33 weeks!  Up a lb.  All perfecto.  Go back in two!

                                                                            Oh my....

                                                             New, fancy, school kicks.
                                                             33 weeks with No 2. NOW

                                                       33 weeks THEN.  Ahhh so happy. :)


Monday, July 23, 2012

Take-Home Outfits!!!

My mama took me shopping for baby's outfit the other day!  We settled with these two.  What do you think? Pretty cute eh?  I love the elephant one.  Wasn't 100% sold on girl selection.  It was tough.  All animal print.  Where are the cute hearts or flowers or normal things?  It'd be hard for me to dress my newborn as a lion, tiger, zebra, oh my, from day one ya know...

                                                        Braxton vs. NOT  See I don't lie. 
                                                               Child is obsessed with RED.

We have 33 week doctor appointment Friday!  Always look forward to those!  I'll keep you posted. 

Friday, July 20, 2012

32 weeks

How many weeks am I?  What month is this? Yikes.  I should really start considering things.  Before I have bad fire vomit, lack of sleep, achy body, puke-y, no appetite....Oh wait....Yep, that sums it up :) Jude and I enjoy the AC, basement, puzzles, and doing anything else around the house.  Good thing he's pretty content.  Oh on occasion we'll drive thru breadco, in our pj's, to get a smoothie.  Love those.  Yes that's right.  Often we'll get up, I shower only to put pj's back on, and then bathe Jude only to his pj's back on.  He's clueless but smells so good.  Love a clean baby. May be boring but I do enjoy these lazy days with him.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

No 2's normal activity...

1. What? Just normal No 2 activity every minute of everyday.
2. Jude spotted his favorite person....the trashman!
3. I felt like an awful mother. I ran out to grocery shop....Then John sent me this.  I cried at Dierbergs.
4. No 2...To the the left....

Friday, July 13, 2012

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes....(31 weeks baking)

Knees and Toes.  Oh no wait, I think I have that wrong....Hand, Foot, and Mouth is the correct identification of what Jude is currently tackling.  BUT it has appeared on EVERY part of the body.  Odd!  Hand, Foot and Mouth.  Might as well educate on this fun childhood disease right!?

Starts with low fever.  That was spotted on Monday.  He took a 4 hour long nap.  Then on Tuesday, during bath I noticed a blister on his ankle and rashes randomly throughout his body.  Behind his knees, arms, butt, and low back.  I thought "Oh man, I'm a horrible mother for changing his diaper more...." Ha.  Then I recalled a friend of mine telling me what her daughter had a few months ago.  Grabbed him out of the tub, watched him pee on his rug, and grabbed the "parents handbook" given by the pediatrician office. (Feeling quite proud that I remember the book and even location of it)  Yep.  Jude's symptoms pretty much go straight down the line of description.  Fever on day one, blisters on feet, hands, and mouth.  He did have just a little bit of "face acne" or what I thought was that.  Regardless...I just watched it then called the pediatrician the next day because he had blister on his ears that day.  Odd.  Ended up taking him in on Tuesday to double check HFM and not the pox.  Dum dum dum.  Yep, Ped said it was indeed HFM and Jude's case is odd and resembles that of the 2010 outbreak.  Ummm, okay.  So that means it's everywhere on his body pretty much.  It does not hurt him or bother him much.  Granted, every once in awhile he'll notice a ""  From what I understand it lasts 7-10 days, is contagious (John will get it first), does not hurt (minus the sores in mouth), and is just annoying.  So we're locked up here all week/end.  Every once in awhile he'll be clingy, sweet, or what me to hold him...and we all know Jude is pretty independent but that's okay. I don't mind it ;)  I hope this is it and it doesn't get worse though.  So here's what it looks like and what we've been up to.

       My moms so funny, says Uma will be his only friend for the week.  Sad but she's a good friend.

 Mr. Fix it.... Tim, I did find a screw driver to work...and I'm completely UNIMPRESSED, almost disappointed, with the train sound.  Sigh.

                                                                      Still having fun!

                                           These were actually the last (well so far) to pop up.

Now, the movies!  Here's what you do inside all day with a sick baby....

                                                 Ahh, Jude LOVED the towel dispenser...

                                                                    RUN RUN RUN!

                Hmm eating the baseball...yep we are destined to get this.  I bank by end of weekend.

So the random word song is a song that is sung in Kindergarten.  A-Apple Apple then you make the letter sound.  B-Baby Baby-bababa etc. Anyways, he may not know every letter BUT he knows many letters sounds.  Ha, so funny to hear him make them!  

As for me.  I'm 31 weeks today.  WAHOO.  I am very confident that no 2 (or me, I don't really know how that stuff works), has hit a growth spurt.  Perhaps the one it was suppose to hit at 27 weeks....I feel huge.  The bump is actually getting in my way now :)  Kicks stronger, harder, more frequent.  OUCH.  I can't believe it's nearly mid July.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Brushing teeth?

Soooo Jude has really been giving me a hard time with brushing teeth in the morning.  We do it, after chasing, holding down, playing with the Cars electric toothbrush, you know, doing the works.  So tonight, I brushed Uma's front of him.  At first I thought I was brilliant....Mommy brushes, Daddy, Jude, and Uma.  We can brush his then Uma's.  Brilliant.  Then it hit me.  CRAP. I hope he doesn't run off with his 6$ toothbrush trying to brush Uma's.  Ugh.  Mommy fail??  Time will tell. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

30 Weeks Baked!

 Are these not the cutest things ever?  Okay obviously, if it's a girl I'll put in her left, and if boy the elephant.  When Jude was born a friend of mine gave me the elephant.  It wasn't really "popular" then to put them in these and do pictures....OR, and this is probably more likely, I had never seen many people do that so I didn't.  I wish I would have.  So it's Jude's unused elephant hat and diaper cover.  Then I thought well I have the boy one and have a talented friend so I might as well ask her if she'd make me a girl one!  I picked it out and boom she made an identical copy of what I found online.  They are both my favorite!  I plan to throw both in the hospital bag.  HOSPITAL BAG!!!!!  When am I suppose to start packing or thinking of that! Yikes...

 Right guess THIS is where the video wanted to be. Ugh, Jude and his playdough. 

30!  3-0.  I can't believe it.  Not to wish away this pregnancy, but man, I am so ready.  Mentally and physically I suppose I should say.  Prepped nursery, diapers, clothes, all that jazz?? Not one bit.  Guess it is different when No 2 comes.  Ha.  But I'm not worried.  I'll either hit a nesting phase soon or just wing it. 

How do I feel? Pregnant, sigh.  I am sleepy, lazy, boring, feeding on ice chips (YUM) and have relocated to the basement where I still toss and turn, sweat all night, and pee at least 14 times.  Ha!  No 2 is highly active.  I would say most movement around 8-4 am.  Hiccups felt constantly.  Hits every second.  I don't get kicks in the ribs like I did with Jude (yet)'s more so a shoulder or back or butt or giant body part that seems to rest behind it.  Very uncomfortable!  But still fun and I try to get a good video daily but of course I wait until after I notice it starting to move around.  I can't seem to figure out whether this baby is bigger?  Maybe I'm smaller (is that even possible?)?  Or what!  But when No 2 moves, pain!  Some take my breath, make me curl over, ignore Jude b/c I can't talk, or what not.  Or it is just so fierce and strong in there?  Ha.  Maybe it's a bully boy for Jude!

Well had the 30 week appointment!  Odd!  No one was there this morning!  I even got in really early.  Very nice :)  I managed to gain a pound but measured at 26 cm.  Which means the growth for the last 3 weeks has been 1/2 cm....Yea I dunno.  I'm not too worried, I was small with Jude, but not this early on.  Not this behind.  So ultrasound tomorrow to check out No 2.  Let's hope everything is a okay and well go back to doctor in 3 weeks!  Wahoo, home now.  All is perfecto!  No 2 has short legs (just like Jude), a big head (just like Jude) and is 2 lbs 14 oz at 30 weeks!  And head down!  Hope it stays!  Well after looking at Jude's chart, I am a bit further behind this time than with Jude.  With Jude at 32 weeks I was measuring 30cm.   Which really isn't that bad at all!  Jude at 32 weeks was measuring in at 4 lbs and in the 32nd % at that time.  Well see what the next 10 weeks brings us.

               I forget which ones I posted, but here's Jude feeding his hot dog some water.  He's so sweet.

We made homemade Play Dough!  1 cup of peanut butter, 2 cups of powdered sugar, 1/2 cup honey.  Pretty much ALL the ingredients he shouldn't have.  I tried it.  Pretty blah.  But he LOVED playing with it!

                                           Finally figured out how to climb up on this mall toy. 

                                                                   That's MY blankie!

Hmm I can't recall when this was.  I think I was near 29 weeks maybe?  He's so strong carrying his 7 month pregnant wife! 

                             I tried to give him a bit of juice....he loves saying "juice"  BUT hates the juice. Ha.

                                                         30 weeks down!!!!  Sigh of relief.