Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I'm writing the blog and he's jumping himself to sleep!

Short, Fat, and Flat Update

Go figure, it's the one morning we have to wake him up to take him somewhere. I always wonder how long he would have slept. He went to bed at 7:30 and woke up at 3:45 to eat and we woke him at 7. That's a great night for me! Much better than getting up at 12, 3, 5, and 7 :) I think it's the oatmeal I give him. Maybe not.

Well, here goes. So we got to the place and Jude was so great at waiting patiently! Here he is chilling in the waiting lounge.
Such a trooper isn't he? Generally always happy to do whatever! Well we first saw a nurse practitioner, who I am not quite fond of. She immediately doubted my neck exercises, time on his belly, etc. Really made me mad. She only measured his head (like the ped does every appt), said he will need a helmet and then directed us to the lady who does the "real" measurements.

In the other room, with the "real" measurement...Barbara was her name. Older, nice lady. She did the measurements and gave Jude a rating of 7. What does 7 mean? Honestly, not really sure. She said if his head measured a 5 or 6 she would send us home with no questions about NOT getting a helmet. So does this mean that with a 7 he needs one? She said he was on the mild to moderate range. Not that bad really. We talked for what seemed like a long time and then I finally asked, "Look, if this were your kid and you want him to be happy and get married eventually, would you give him a helmet?" Her answer was "No..." She said that I can just keep doing what I'm doing and that it will reshape even more. She said to come back in one month and she will do the measurements again. It if gets worse, helmet. If his number changes to 5 or 6, no helmet. She said there is no doubt she thinks his head will only get better because I told her all I did and will continue to do. That really made me feel better. As we were walking out the door, she said "Some parents are very very very pleased when their kid wears a helmet and the end result looks like Jude's head." I think that sold John! Ha. Me, I am still a little nervous. I mean I really don't want the funny looking kid or guy who can't get a date because of the shape of his head. So I decided to go ahead with the helmet. I have two choices. Which do you think is cuter? I mean I really like them both but the cage mask might be better! What do you think?

Really leaning toward this one. He's even smiling wearing it. Clearly he likes it and he pulls it off so good! Almost can't even tell he's wearing it :) And it brings out the blue eye color <3 Ha. Just kidding. We did decided to wait, I mean Barbara would wait so I trust her judgment. So now I have another whole month of reshaping to do before going back! I'll give it my best and we'll see what happens. Here's to reshaping month 2!

Well, here are some other adorable pictures. He was really photogenic this week :)

Hmm comparing baby pictures. I am 9 months here. We'll see how he looks at 9 months but I see my nose and mouth here, that's about it :)

Eww, I look over and he's jumping with puke all over!

I keep this baby alive and he prefers daddy. Go figure.

His favorite activity of the night!

Hard to wake this kid up! He's just waking up here.

He's SO cute, I know.

Well, maybe I'll update more later. I just did this quickly while he was jumping and spitting up all over :)

Your Family Family of Four!
J, K, Jude, and Uma.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


We may be switching to something more tasteful. He wasn't a fan. Ha.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

I know, I know. . .

I know, I know, "Kate where have you been you're two days behind!?!" Okay, so maybe the Thursday updates will have to end. NO NO I'm not saying the Blog will end, just the consistent Thursday updates. It's just impossible with having class that night, needing to study last minute because I am now a "last minute type person," John being home annoying me asking what's for lunch at 10:30am, Jude being so cute that I have to stare at him all day, and the end of the week approaching. You know how it is. Just life. Regardless, here goes!

Got Jude's head x-rayed the other day. He was not so much into it. Can't wait to see what this consultation brings on Wednesday. I'm going to try and have an update then. Keep you posted on my short, fat, and flat boy. :) Also head related, Jude is finally sprouting hair! I guess I'm excited. I sorta digged the bald look. Oh well. I wonder if the helmet will re-rub it off...

Jude's new bed time....7:30!!! Most amazing thing ever! How did I do it? No clue! But I have "Kate time" "mommy-daddy time" and more "Uma time." It's so nice to be able to check my email, do homework, etc. Next obstacle...maybe I should tackle these naps during the day. We're still sorta everywhere with them.

I PASSED! I passed my Exit Exam at Umsl. What does this mean? Umsl will give me my much earned degree once I do my Internship and graduate. Sigh of relief. Right, I know, counseling. You may be thinking, "Right, how hard could that test be?" But after 3 years of counseling classes I took the test and felt like I did awful. It was complicated with the wording and was over 8 key areas. Well, the problem with that is there are about 129387435 subareas to these 8 key areas each that had to be on mind in case they asked a question about them. Just to make myself sound better, (not that I need to...)Umsl gives you 2 tries to pass this. If you don't pass you don't graduate. So now you can see why I was on edge. :) Starting Internship in August. I will be certified K-12 once I graduate next May. Can't wait.

Well, go figure. So much more to write however, I'm going to enjoy this early bedtime and watch wheel of fortune with John. Right, we're old.

No, he's not naked. His fat is just covering his diaper :)

So hungry for cereal I will just eat my hands.

Uma dog love.

This is how much I like cereal ;/

Love my arm rolls!

Just a funny picture. I don't think it looks like him at all!

First of many rides on Uma, Uma get used to it!

Why I don't update regularly on Thursday. Too busy taking pictures.

Baby shoes!

Awesome aren't they?

Bring me the light!

Side note, Jude is feeling better and sleeping okay now! Why didn't anyone tell me that there are consequences for snuggling with a sleep baby!!! Ugh. I had to re-transition him into the crib (not carseat)...Long story. Also, may be time to try and eliminate one of these night feedings. I'll keep you posted on my failure/success.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Well looks like we have another jumperoo on our hands! Must be in the Powderly blood. I do believe Ellie, Claire, Joey, and now Jude are jumpers! Soo funny to watch him!

Well, we've all been sick this week. Feeling gross. Jude has been getting up at 12, 2, 4, 5, and 6 the past few nights! Which makes a crabby, tired mommy. Yikes! However, because we've all been sick I've been working with a nap/bed time schedule. I have the bed time down! 7:30-7:45 he is out cold in bed! It's great. More mommy/daddy time. Much needed. Which means more time for Wheel of Fortune, Teen Mom, and all those great shows! HA.

Other than that, things are the same. You know, doing everything to keep him laying off head (hard work!!!), getting him to laugh at everything, realizing that if I turn the hairdryer on while I get ready for the day he'll give me an extra 10 minutes (it's calming to him...), finding blisters on his toes from jumperooing too much :). That sorta of stuff. I'd say all is well here.

Till we all get better!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Short, Fat, and Flat

Well here I am. A random update. I mean this was bound to happen. Our first obstacle/challenge with Jude. I thought we had more time, but he is a crazy texter. He thinks he needs to chat with Eli all day long! How will we ever break him of this! I shouldn't have given him the phone at 6 weeks. I knew it was too early.

No, but really. So here goes. At 4 weeks of age, I noticed Jude getting a flat spot on the back of his head. So at the one month appt, I told the ped who recommended physical therapy for his neck. At that time, he did have a tight neck and we think that's why the flat spot formed. He preferred the left side. So off we went to physical therapy, once. All she did was tell me what I already read and was doing. Regardless, I tried the exercises and did them whenever I remembered. Needless to say, that resolved itself. So at the 2 month appointment, I retold the ped, "I still think it's flat." So he said well watch it and revisit it at 4 months. Well, as you know, he just had the 4 month appointment. We both agreed that although it is no better, but no worse than at 2 months. He did his official look over of Jude's head and said Jude may be a candidate for a helmet. YIKES. What does any mother do?! Freak out! Essentially, he was telling me my kid isn't perfect! I thought he would just say "Yea, that's okay how it looks...." I was shocked and worried when he said that.

After freaking out, I came home and researched "flat heads" or plagiocephaly. This occurs when a baby's head develops a flat spot or becomes asymmetrical due to some kind of external pressure. Right, this is not from birth, that abnormal shape should return to normal after the baby is 6 weeks. (Disclaimer: This does not affect brain development at all.) This is an issue because it may cause prominent foreheads, misaligned ears, and uneven facial features. None of these I notice in Jude. . . yet. Research says that since babies sleep on their back every night, this may cause the misshaped flat spot. Or, this could have been developed in the womb because of constriction. This is common with multiples actually. And common with too much or little amniotic fluid. Interesting, this flat head is associated with torticollis. Torticollis is what I mentioned earlier: a tight or shortened muscle on one side of the neck. Jude had the tight neck on his right side (but he is fine now and has been for some time).

So what are our options? Research does say that in even serious-looking flat areas, it will round out on its own as a baby starts crawling and sitting up. Or, a baby, Jude, can go to a children's plastic surgeon, be evaluated, and possibly get a helmet to reshape the flatness.

If we choose the plastic surgeon route. . . We first will need to get an X-ray. We meet with a nurse and surgeon where they will do measurements to determine if Jude is a candidate for a helmet. This is a custom-molded helmet. If he qualifies, they can do the mold then and there. I have made this appointment already. March 30 we will be meeting at Saint John's with the nurse and group of surgeons to have Jude evaluated. As of right now, we are not 100% decided on what to do, but am very interested to hear from the surgeons on what they think/recommend.

What does cranial orthotic therapy involve? A special custom-fitted helmet that will be worn for 23 hours a day to correct the shape of his skull. This treatment generally lasts from 2-6 months, depending on how early you start and how severe the flatness is. Most therapy is best done before the age of 6 months. Jude will be close to 5 months by March 30. Many say that the headgear does little help after 10 months of age. The downfall of this. Most insurance companies do NOT cover this because it is considered "cosmetic." Who knew the shape of your child's head is cosmetic. But, we can appeal and hope to receive payment in the end (unlikely, but worth a try.) This will most likely cost around $1500. The success rate for the helmet are very high!

I have talked with people who did both: the helmet and let the head reshape itself. The lady who did the helmet only had positive remarks! Why not fix something that can be fixed? It is pain free, can be cute, and will help make the head rounded! They are easy to wear also. You simply take the helmet off for bath time and make sure to clean it nightly. Easy. She said if she needed to do it again, she would. Another lady I talked with decided to not do the helmet. She said her son's head reshaped itself and he is a rounded, happy 2 year old now. So what I've read is that people who do the helmet are pleased. People who do are generally okay with the shape of their child's head but some (little) said it did not reshape.

Well these pictures don't really show his head that great. But here ya go!

Alright, well on a brighter note, my baby loves to read! He's so smart already!

Also, Jude is almost completely bald now. It's so cute. Actually, it's awful. He has chunks of hair in random spots. I know it's not cute but so funny that of course I love it. Haha. Maybe I should put more hats on my boy. Maybe it'll round out his head too. :) Other than that, he is so happy, giggling, and perfect as ever. We <3 cheeks! (I know why people have 4 kids now...). ((Not saying we will...)) (((I think we'll limit it to 5 or 6...))) ((((Did I fool ya?...))))

Your Favorite Family of Four (Five this week)
J, K, Jude, Uma and Fran!

Here are the girls in the group!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Happy 4 Months!

My baby is now 4 months old! How time flies! He had a great day! Mall walked with his best bud Eli, slept through lunch (Phew!), and helped me clean the house! What a trooper!

The other day he wouldn't stop laughing! Apparently, it was funny watching me clean! Such a happy little guy! He laughs so much at everything! The other day, we threw him in the babysitter, aka swing, to nap and he just laughed as we walked by! That didn't work...

New Update: I have broke the 700 record! We are at 714 ounces! And also, Rachel and Eli (and Jude and I of course) have set a new record for walking...dum dum 5.5 miles! Yea, no big deal, we try to walk 2-3 times a week though. In fact, if you recall, we've been doing this since June or July with babies in our bellies! Our next step is signing up (and running/walking) for a 5k with the boys!

Jude had a doctors appointment for his 4 month checkup. He weighs about 15 1/2 pounds! What a chunk! Lol. He is now 24 inches long also! He got 4 shots also :( Just breaks my heart! But he's already forgot it all and will be cuddling with me on this rainy day :)

4 Months

Thanks for letting us borrow this Auntie Stacie!

Let me know when the 4th is on the way and you can have it back ;)

This ones just cute. Chilling. Eating the giraffe.

Acting shy! lol.

Hoping to get back on the bandwagon with this updates. I think I fell off last week! Just had a busy few weeks. Hopefully things settle down for us!

Your favorite family of four!
J,K, Jude, and Umadog