Friday, March 4, 2011

Happy 4 Months!

My baby is now 4 months old! How time flies! He had a great day! Mall walked with his best bud Eli, slept through lunch (Phew!), and helped me clean the house! What a trooper!

The other day he wouldn't stop laughing! Apparently, it was funny watching me clean! Such a happy little guy! He laughs so much at everything! The other day, we threw him in the babysitter, aka swing, to nap and he just laughed as we walked by! That didn't work...

New Update: I have broke the 700 record! We are at 714 ounces! And also, Rachel and Eli (and Jude and I of course) have set a new record for walking...dum dum 5.5 miles! Yea, no big deal, we try to walk 2-3 times a week though. In fact, if you recall, we've been doing this since June or July with babies in our bellies! Our next step is signing up (and running/walking) for a 5k with the boys!

Jude had a doctors appointment for his 4 month checkup. He weighs about 15 1/2 pounds! What a chunk! Lol. He is now 24 inches long also! He got 4 shots also :( Just breaks my heart! But he's already forgot it all and will be cuddling with me on this rainy day :)

4 Months

Thanks for letting us borrow this Auntie Stacie!

Let me know when the 4th is on the way and you can have it back ;)

This ones just cute. Chilling. Eating the giraffe.

Acting shy! lol.

Hoping to get back on the bandwagon with this updates. I think I fell off last week! Just had a busy few weeks. Hopefully things settle down for us!

Your favorite family of four!
J,K, Jude, and Umadog

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