Saturday, March 26, 2011

I know, I know. . .

I know, I know, "Kate where have you been you're two days behind!?!" Okay, so maybe the Thursday updates will have to end. NO NO I'm not saying the Blog will end, just the consistent Thursday updates. It's just impossible with having class that night, needing to study last minute because I am now a "last minute type person," John being home annoying me asking what's for lunch at 10:30am, Jude being so cute that I have to stare at him all day, and the end of the week approaching. You know how it is. Just life. Regardless, here goes!

Got Jude's head x-rayed the other day. He was not so much into it. Can't wait to see what this consultation brings on Wednesday. I'm going to try and have an update then. Keep you posted on my short, fat, and flat boy. :) Also head related, Jude is finally sprouting hair! I guess I'm excited. I sorta digged the bald look. Oh well. I wonder if the helmet will re-rub it off...

Jude's new bed time....7:30!!! Most amazing thing ever! How did I do it? No clue! But I have "Kate time" "mommy-daddy time" and more "Uma time." It's so nice to be able to check my email, do homework, etc. Next obstacle...maybe I should tackle these naps during the day. We're still sorta everywhere with them.

I PASSED! I passed my Exit Exam at Umsl. What does this mean? Umsl will give me my much earned degree once I do my Internship and graduate. Sigh of relief. Right, I know, counseling. You may be thinking, "Right, how hard could that test be?" But after 3 years of counseling classes I took the test and felt like I did awful. It was complicated with the wording and was over 8 key areas. Well, the problem with that is there are about 129387435 subareas to these 8 key areas each that had to be on mind in case they asked a question about them. Just to make myself sound better, (not that I need to...)Umsl gives you 2 tries to pass this. If you don't pass you don't graduate. So now you can see why I was on edge. :) Starting Internship in August. I will be certified K-12 once I graduate next May. Can't wait.

Well, go figure. So much more to write however, I'm going to enjoy this early bedtime and watch wheel of fortune with John. Right, we're old.

No, he's not naked. His fat is just covering his diaper :)

So hungry for cereal I will just eat my hands.

Uma dog love.

This is how much I like cereal ;/

Love my arm rolls!

Just a funny picture. I don't think it looks like him at all!

First of many rides on Uma, Uma get used to it!

Why I don't update regularly on Thursday. Too busy taking pictures.

Baby shoes!

Awesome aren't they?

Bring me the light!

Side note, Jude is feeling better and sleeping okay now! Why didn't anyone tell me that there are consequences for snuggling with a sleep baby!!! Ugh. I had to re-transition him into the crib (not carseat)...Long story. Also, may be time to try and eliminate one of these night feedings. I'll keep you posted on my failure/success.


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