Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Short, Fat, and Flat Update

Go figure, it's the one morning we have to wake him up to take him somewhere. I always wonder how long he would have slept. He went to bed at 7:30 and woke up at 3:45 to eat and we woke him at 7. That's a great night for me! Much better than getting up at 12, 3, 5, and 7 :) I think it's the oatmeal I give him. Maybe not.

Well, here goes. So we got to the place and Jude was so great at waiting patiently! Here he is chilling in the waiting lounge.
Such a trooper isn't he? Generally always happy to do whatever! Well we first saw a nurse practitioner, who I am not quite fond of. She immediately doubted my neck exercises, time on his belly, etc. Really made me mad. She only measured his head (like the ped does every appt), said he will need a helmet and then directed us to the lady who does the "real" measurements.

In the other room, with the "real" measurement...Barbara was her name. Older, nice lady. She did the measurements and gave Jude a rating of 7. What does 7 mean? Honestly, not really sure. She said if his head measured a 5 or 6 she would send us home with no questions about NOT getting a helmet. So does this mean that with a 7 he needs one? She said he was on the mild to moderate range. Not that bad really. We talked for what seemed like a long time and then I finally asked, "Look, if this were your kid and you want him to be happy and get married eventually, would you give him a helmet?" Her answer was "No..." She said that I can just keep doing what I'm doing and that it will reshape even more. She said to come back in one month and she will do the measurements again. It if gets worse, helmet. If his number changes to 5 or 6, no helmet. She said there is no doubt she thinks his head will only get better because I told her all I did and will continue to do. That really made me feel better. As we were walking out the door, she said "Some parents are very very very pleased when their kid wears a helmet and the end result looks like Jude's head." I think that sold John! Ha. Me, I am still a little nervous. I mean I really don't want the funny looking kid or guy who can't get a date because of the shape of his head. So I decided to go ahead with the helmet. I have two choices. Which do you think is cuter? I mean I really like them both but the cage mask might be better! What do you think?

Really leaning toward this one. He's even smiling wearing it. Clearly he likes it and he pulls it off so good! Almost can't even tell he's wearing it :) And it brings out the blue eye color <3 Ha. Just kidding. We did decided to wait, I mean Barbara would wait so I trust her judgment. So now I have another whole month of reshaping to do before going back! I'll give it my best and we'll see what happens. Here's to reshaping month 2!

Well, here are some other adorable pictures. He was really photogenic this week :)

Hmm comparing baby pictures. I am 9 months here. We'll see how he looks at 9 months but I see my nose and mouth here, that's about it :)

Eww, I look over and he's jumping with puke all over!

I keep this baby alive and he prefers daddy. Go figure.

His favorite activity of the night!

Hard to wake this kid up! He's just waking up here.

He's SO cute, I know.

Well, maybe I'll update more later. I just did this quickly while he was jumping and spitting up all over :)

Your Family Family of Four!
J, K, Jude, and Uma.

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